Chapter 2: Where am I?

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Elsie woke up with a splitting headache as she moved herself to a sitting position. She looked around wearily and hesitantly to what she might find. She had rammed into what appeared to be a row of metal bars. Elsie looked next to her. Three walls.

"I'm in a caged cell." Elsie thought panicked

She started shouting, "Help, help, somebody!", Unaware of what was happening around her. She felt a light tap, tap, tap, on her shoulder. She instantly flipped around and gasped as there was a human-like person sitting on the bench behind her.

"That's not going to help sweetie, there is no one else around here." The person commented matter-of-factly.

Too flabbergasted to speak, Elsie sat in shock, her jaw dropped, gaping at Misty. "You're the one who kidnapped me right?" She finally managed to get out shakily.

"Guilty as charged! You caught me." She giggled, almost falling over from laughter.

"Where are we, exactly?" She asked obviously confused.

"Hahahaha, Your in the Underworld, honey." She answered mischievously smirking.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, spiraled through Elsie's mind, How could I thrive here without being snapped in half like a twig?

" Aaaaaaanyways, The Devil wants to meet you, so come along, child.

The two words echoed through her head, what could the Devil possibly want with her?


Yours Truly,

The Devil's DeficiencyWhere stories live. Discover now