"About a month." She said ever so softly.

"And you decided to tell me two weeks to the date."

"It's hard Delilah! I couldn't just throw it ou-"

"Mercedes oh my god." I muttered as my voice cracked. "Two fucking weeks."

"I'm sorry." She said as tears fell from her eyes. She moved from the corner of the room and came towards me as I sat on the bed. She sat beside me and threw her arms around me, "I'm gonna come see you every summer vacation. And you can come visit me whenever you want."

"I don't have anybody dawg. I have no one. What the hell ima do now?"

"We just have a few more months of school Delilah; you can do this. I'll call you every day."

"It's not the same!" I said, sounding like a brat. We were both now in full on tears. My best friend was leaving me to live 1200 miles away. I had nobody else to talk to. Nobody I considered my friend.

Honestly, what was I supposed to do?

When I don't want to go home after school what do I do? Where do I go?

"I'm sorry Lilah." She cried, hugging me tightly.


Me and Mercedes after hours of crying decided that we'd try and make the best out of the next two weeks that we have together.

We'd be spending a lot of time with each other and going out as often as we could. I honestly wasn't up for it because I just didn't want to see her leave, but I knew I had to do it. I was cooped up in my bedroom looking up at the ceiling and letting my mind roam freely. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular.

I turned to lay on my side, and as I did I could see my phone ringing silently on my bed beside me. Jordan was calling.

"Hello." I said picking it up.

"Wassup shorty? You good?" He asked with a deep breath.

"I'm tired." I said honestly, exhaling deeply.

"You going to bed?" He asked me sounding a bit worried. I didn't really wanna sleep. I more so wanted him to come over and hold me like the day before. I had a good ass day yesterday, and of course Lucifer found a way to fuck me up again.

"Could you come over?" I asked softly before I had the chance to give it a second thought.

"Aight mama I'm on my way." He said soothingly and I heard movements from his end. "I'll call you when I'm out front."

I nodded as if he could see me, before hanging up the phone. I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I was done, I changed into a pair of boxer shorts and a big t shirt.

I went back to my bed and texted Jordan that I left my front door open. Within five minutes, I heard the door open and then close shut, and the locks clicked. I heard inconsistent footsteps and I knew it was him, because he seemed to be lost. My door opened and as expected, Jordan stepped in. He shut the door behind him and made his way over to where I laid on the bed.

After taking his slides off, he crawled onto the bed, laying behind me. His hands hadn't yet been in contact with me. We weren't facing each other, my back was facing him, so I couldn't see what he was doing or what his facial expressions were.

"Ima hold you, aight?" He said softly and I nodded without hesitation. As soon as I did, I felt Jordan's long arms reach around me. He wrapped his arms around my torso, the warmth of his body making me feel comfortable. I turned around on impact and shifted our positions a little bit to where I was laying on his chest and he was rubbing on my back.

He smelled so good boy. I almost forget that I was sad. "What's going on?" He asked me soothingly.

"A lot."

"Talk to me." He said in a demanding yet soft tone.

"Jordan why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm tryna show you that I'm different from all them other niggas you be messing with. I'm not like them Delilah." He said sounding slightly frustrated.

I kissed my teeth and got up off of him. I sat at the foot of the bed, picking at my fingernails, never making eye contact with him. "Talk to me ma. I promise, I got you."


She still looked a lil iffy as she sat at the foot of the bed, but I could see her coming around a little more. I never felt a female the way I'm feeling Delilah. Everything about her just gets me man.

But she's tough as hell to crack.

"I grew up with both my parents. Me and my mama were always close, she was my best friend. I actually have a lot more memories with her than with my dad." She started with a smile, "She was beautiful and always happy and full of life. Always wanted the best for me, you know? She always had a smile on her face dawg. Even when dad gave her black eyes and scratches on her body. She never faltered. Dad, he's been an alcoholic since I could remember. He was around, but he was never really there. He'd beat on her for no good reason honestly, and I'd always feel helpless knowing there was nothing I could do."

She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling as tears filled in her eyes. "She was in a car accident when I was seven years old and died. I lost my best friend that day. I was young but I'd never ever forget how much pain I was in when I heard that I'd never see my mama again. But I had a little hope, I was trying to think positive, you know? I thought well maybe now that it's just me and dad, he'd stop drinking. But instead he picked up cocaine as well. For two years I managed to hold my corner and not say anything to him, but I got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore, I spoke up. And he beat me. He beat me every day for four years. Every single day Jordan, for no reason." She said, looking dead in my eyes now, tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Come here baby girl." I said and pulled her into me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and wiped the tears from her face as she sobbed. "It's aight mama. I got you now."

"That's not all Jordan." She said to me and I looked down at her.

"When I turned thirteen, he started pimping me out for a fix." She said in a somber tone. "That's why I don't trust anybody. Why I don't talk to anybody and why I stay to myself. If the only person I had, the person that conceived me, could do this to me... what's everybody else capable of?"

My blood was boiling at this point. I wanted to kill her father if I was being completely honest. But I settled for silence, just holding her as she cried.

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