Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Guess what? I'm not dead :) I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but it's almost summerrr!! Also, bloody hell guyss!! 2k reads?!?! You guys are the best, thankyou so much for the support <3 this chapter is creepy bc of Roger, but, I guess you guys are used to that by now! Ok, love ya, bye!




You're my queen in the black
With your time-stopping body
Queen in the black
With your eyes that hypnotize, girl
Queen in the black


Somebody was screaming.

Clare felt the stiff muscles of her back loosening in fear, languid and limp from her tired sleep. Her eyes were open in an instant, blinking away what remained from her blurred slumber. Her mind was hardly rested, instead afire with the whimpering tease of exhaustion. The scream sounded once more, piercing the still night with its poisonous wail, and then the world fell quiet once more, breathing in subtle, shivering breaths around her. Something was amiss, whether it was the delicately moist balance in the air or the slight, moving song of the palm branches up ahead. Something wasn't right. Not at all.

Her eyes scanned her environment to find herself all alone. She could just hear the faint whoops and hollerings that could only be emitted from savage boys. She still felt a tremor of worry in the pit of her stomach. Was everyone at the feast still? Ralph, Piggy, Jack? Clare paused mid-thought. Jack.

Clare could still feel his hands on her, her lips, her face, her neck. All of a sudden she was ablaze with fire at the thought of him. She had missed the taste of him and the way his words sounded when he spoke. She let out a breath of bliss.

Where was he anyways?

Clare got up, her feet now wandering instead of her mind, and headed towards the direction of the savage ululating.


The sight before her was chaotic. The stench of fire and sweaty teenage boys did not mix, and Clare had to cover her nose to keep herself from gagging. But another aroma made its way to her senses and she couldn't quite lay a finger on it.

Boys of all sizes were crouched around a figure on the beach, and two boys were on the outside, sobbing. Some were vomiting. Her feeling of worry lingered and pestered her insides. From her nerves and the smell Clare felt rather woozy.

Clare could make out Jack's red hair in the crowd and decided to walk over to him. She never got that far.

For Clare saw what was hiding in the middle of those boys. Clare could see past what the savages couldn't. She saw her friend lying dead on the beach. Murdered on the beach. Simon, good, innocent, curious Simon was dead, and now so was her hope.

She let out a deafening scream which caused the boys to turn to her in shock.

"Can't you see what you've done?" She screamed. "He's dead! You fucking killed him,"

Her breath fell short and her vision went out. And soon, like Simon, all she could see, was black.

The island wasn't their paradise anymore, this was hell.

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