Chapter 10

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Hey lovelies! Here's chapter 10! I hope you like it! A lot of Jack/Clare yay!



Torn between two lovers
Feeling like a fool
And loving both of you
Is breaking all the rules


Jack stared out at the darkening sky. Faint traces of stars were peeking through the orange haze. The fire crackled beside him, contrasting with his icy eyes which were now filled with anger. Jack Merridew was furious. A bloodied hand raked through his hair, he started to realize just how long it had gotten. It had begun to creep into his eyes and trailed down the back of his neck. He barely noticed. His fists clenched and unclenched rapidly as if the movement would calm his raging nerves. Roger, his friend Roger, had violated the only girl on this island. The girl he was with. The two had only shared a few kisses, but who knew what that bastard did to her. Jack gritted his teeth.

Damn him

The hunter let out an enraged yell. It echoed off the wall of rock next to him and floated back to his ears. His own anguish was haunting him. He kicked a rock violently. The blondie didn't help one bit except order him around. He hated them both, he decided. Roger had to pay for his sins, and Jack's currency was blood. He wanted to see his enemy bleed, he needed the red hot liquid to run down his hands until it was twice the amount he spilled from Clare. He would hunt him down till he squealed like a pig. He had hurt the girl he was with, the girl that made him laugh

The girl he loved

Jack shook his head, an attempt to clear his tangled thoughts. It was no use.

I love her

A smile creeped upon his face. It started with a realization, then a brightening of his eyes, and lastly snaked its way down to the corners of his mouth.

"I love her I love her I love her I love her!"

He yelled into the vast ocean. Instead of a reply, the ocean gave its usual ebb and flow. The boy leaped up and dusted off the frayed edges of his pants. He would tell Clare, and he would tell her tonight.


Jack made it to the platform, picking his way through sleeping boys. His sharp eyes scoured the dark sleeping figures on the ground. He came across a slender figure and decided that was his girl.

He knelt down and traced her figure with his fingertips. Her skin was warm and soft, and her stomach rose and fell with each breath. It reminded him of the ocean. Her lips, still purple, were slightly parted, air whistling out of them. His cool fingers brushed over them. He brought his own lips to her cheek and kissed her there.

Green eyes fluttered open and met his. A sleepy hand brushed through Jack's hair.


The girl's voice was a sleepy whisper. She rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" The question so familiar, yet she realized how foolish it was. The boy smirked.

"Got a watch?"

Clare let out a groggy laugh and shook her head. She slid her hands around his neck and pulled him down closer to her. The redhead bit his lip. "Come with me." He said offering the girl a hand. Clare smiled sneakily, but it fell when she saw a glint of blonde hair.


She had momentarily forgotten about their shared kiss earlier today. She froze, her eyes narrowed in utter confusion.

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