Chapter 7

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Hello lovelies! Please enjoy chapter seven!! Thanks to all who read!


She was a tidal wave crashing over
To meet me here
Oh god damn
That girl was fierce


The platform was a bath of heat and the leaves of the palm trees did little to provide them shade. Piggy's face was redder than usual, and sweat dripped slowly down their faces. Ralph stepped up onto the boulder, he looked frustrated. He brushed back his blonde tangled hair.
"Yesterday we set up jobs, and that was a good plan." He said holding the conch. Nods rippled through the crowd.
"But, ten minutes in, people get bored and stop working! An' we can't have that or else we will never have order here!" Ralph said, voice getting a bit high pitched.
"So, as your chief, I need to enforce some more rules!" Groans rang through the platform and Clare swore she heard Jack curse under his breath. However, if they wanted to stay on task, then rules were needed.
"Ok, so if I catch anyone not doing their job, I'll, I'll...." Ralph struggled for a proper punishment. "I'll make them take on the fire watch for one night." More groans, if you took the fire watch, that meant you would have to stay up all night. The hunters, however, enjoyed this because they were the ones that were assigned to this duty, usually staying up in shifts.
"And one more thing!" Ralph shouted over the crowd. "Look at those shelters over there!" Heads turned.

On the beach there were three shelters, two were sturdy and stable constructed of logs and palm leaves, the other shaky and held together by only a few pieces of twine. The kids laughed.

"Hey!" Ralph yelled angrily. "It's not funny! Only Simon and I built that one because all of you ran off to eat, or bathe! You should be ashamed!" Ralph  finished and put the conch down and shooed them off to work. Clare sat where she was and enviously watched Jack go off to hunt. She sighed and put her chin in her hands. Simon moved closer to her.
"Wanna play tic tac toe?" He suggested shyly. Clare laughed at the suggestion to play such a childish game.
"Why not?" She decided and drew four criss crossed lines in the sand. This would be a boring morning.


Jack was bent low, close to the ground. His red hair fell in his eyes as he held a sharpened stick in his hand. He had the hunter footsteps, quiet and soft, but simultaneously fast and bounding. He narrowed his blue eyes in decision. He signaled the rest of his troop to follow.
"I think the pigs are over here." He whispered. The hunters rounded a bend and sure enough three fat, pink pigs were grazing in a clearing. Jack ran his tongue along his lips hungrily and sucked in a breath. He turned to face his hunters who were in a line behind him. He grinned.
"There they are boys! Now, when I say go, we attack, got it?" He said and the hunters nodded. Jack turned back to the clearing and ran his hand along the sharp edge of his stick. A pig waddled over close to where the rugby team was hiding. That was the one. Jack whistled.
"Now!" He screamed and let out a hunting cry and he bounded out to the clearing. The hunters followed suit and attacked the swine. The pig ran through the forest squealing and screaming, Jack could barely see its fleshy flank. Still screaming, the hunters picked up speed and came to enough distance for killing range. Roger jumped and hurled his spear and the boar, plunging it right into his behind. He crashed to the ground. The pig ran off shrieking into the dense jungle.
"Nice job mate, that was some throw!" Jack said helping his friend up.
"I got 'im, right up his ass." Roger said, holding his bruised head. The hunters whooped and hollered.
"Yeah!" They cheered. "Right up his ass!" The danced around and Harold got down on his hands and knees, pretending to be a pig. The hunters chased him and started lightly stabbing him with their sticks. Then the game started getting rough and Harold cried out in pain instead of laughter.
"Oi!" He shouted. "I bloody hurts!" He said rubbing his rump. The boys cackled and told him that was the whole point. Meanwhile Jack cursed loudly and slammed his knife into a tree. He wanted to kill something, he wanted meat, and he wanted to prove Ralph wrong.


After Clare had bathed in the pool she and Simon swam in however many days ago, she felt as if she were getting used to the island life. She had no idea how much time had passed since the crash but she guessed about a week and a half. The ever crashing waves lulled her to sleep every night and wake her up each day. Ralph held his meetings and she and Jack would slink off for some "alone time" as he called it. Her sunburned skin was pink and peeling, and she was in desperate need of a combing and a tooth brush. A nice cool drink would be nice too. Clare looked over at the coconut shells on the ground and walked over to them. She drew the rough shell to her lips and drank the creamy white milk that was inside. She smiled at this little sweet pleasure.
"What you smiling at?" A voice said behind her and she turned to see that it was Ralph.
"Nothing." She said simply. "How are the shelters coming along?" Ralph cringed. And motioned to them with his hand. Looks like they hadn't made much progress.
"Just look at them! The others don't help one bit and it's just me and Simon again. Simon always comes to help when the others leave." Ralph said, annoyed. He brushed back his sandy hair.
"I'll help you guys!" She said excitedly. Now was her chance to actually do something instead of playing tic tac toe.
Ralph thanked her and she started pulling leaves on the roof. The work was hard and tiresome, but the three managed to build two more shelters. Ralph smiled.
"Thanks for helping us." He said sincerely. Clare smiled back.
"You should have invited me the first time." She said and walked off leaving Ralph speechless and ashamed. Ralph walked along the beach shaking his head, that girl was fierce.


Short chapter :(  I am having a bit a a writers block with this, but I think I know what to do to move the story along. Sorry it's so boring. Thanks to all who read! And please please please give me some suggestions in my messages! Thanks so much!!

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