Chapter 5

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Take a deep breath
And hold my hand
This life is dangerous
But our love is contagious


OMG!! Thank you all for 100 reads and to all who voted!!
This means so so so much!! I hope you like Chapter 5 as it was inspired by my trip to Mexico.

Clare walked along the hot sand, thinking. Her hair was blowing behind her in the wind as if it wanted to run away from her. She would stumble from time to time on the slippery edges of the tidal pools. Piggy often liked to look at these pools, scouting for a starfish or crab of some sort. Clare smirked, that was the only thing Piggy was capable of. Her emerald eyes swept over her collar bone. Roger's mark was still there, red and throbbing. She winced, it still hurt. Why was she so stupid, fighting with a boy twice her size! She still felt Roger's fingers trailing up her leg and shuddered. She realized how vulnerable she was, the only girl on an island full of boys. However, having five other brothers made her used to being surrounded by men. She glanced to the horizon and she saw two, shimmering black figures making their way along the stretch of beach.

Jack, Ralph

She sprinted along the dunes, her feet kicking up sand as she ran. As she drew nearer she began to make out Jack's strawberry hair and Ralph's blonde locks. She smiled. Somehow these boys made her feel safe.
"Hey Clare." Ralph said, revealing a set of pearly white teeth.
"Hi." Clare said. "What did you find on your expedition?" She was eager for some good news, and some good food.
"Well, we found out that this was indeed an island, and that there's pigs!" Jack said excitedly and started to explain to her what happened.
"We crept up-"
"An' the pig ran, squealing-"
"It was smashing good fun!"
Clare smirked lightly at their British vocabulary.
"Jack almost got it and-"
"Next time, I'll get it next time!" Jack said and the two boys' eyes were lit up like sparklers. Their joviality was soon forgotten when they spotted her scratch.
"Yikes, that's a nasty cut!" Jack exclaimed and rushed to examine it.
Clare tried to cover it the best she could with her dress, but she guessed running made it come out of place.
"How'd you do that?" Jack asked, his brow raising. She couldn't tell Jack about Roger, since he was his friend and would obviously believe him over a girl he just met. Roger told her that he would do much worse to her if she told anyone, and she wouldn't want to find out what "worse" was.
"With my knife, I was cutting a fruit from a tree and it slipped, so I gave it to Roger." She said, believably. Now what would they think of her? They would have their way and continue to think that women can't handle themselves. She inwardly groaned.

There is no helping these boys!

"Are you alright?" Ralph asked. Ralph could feel determination bubbling inside him, this was why he needed to protect her, Jack could do much worse for he knew what he was capable of. Jack, being trained as a cadet knew how to handle knives. Ralph, being the colonel knew his way around guns, but there were none here.
"Yeah I'm fine." Clare said and stood in between the two boys. The sun was peeking over the ocean at them, red and shimmering. It was getting colder.
"Hey!" Ralph said brightening once more. "The fire! You guys made a fire!" Ralph was grinning ear to ear.

Now's my chance! I can make them think I know how to handle things!

"Yes!" Clare said proudly as they made their way to the highest hill on the island. "I made it out of Piggy's glasses!"
Jack laughed. "You burned his glasses! Wow Clare Bear I didn't think you were that mean!" Clare nudged him playfully.
"No, you idiot, I used them as burning glasses, the sun's light reflects off of them and onto the wood to create a fire."
"Wow." Ralph said. "Now you're sounding like Piggy." Clare rolled her eyes and hit him lightly on the arm.
"Hey! I was only joking!" Ralph said and chuckled.

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