Chapter 2

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Another update yay!! Thanks to all who read chapter 1 so far!! Above is what I believe would be Clare's Aesthetic so ya.
"Is she alright?" The voice of a young British boy ringed through her ears as she came back into consciousness.
"Yes, she's just fine" said another familiar smooth, silky one. Her eyes fluttered open, squinting from the blinding sun.
"Where am I?" She rasped, her voice sounding hoarse as she spoke, the back of her throat burning. She felt sand scratch the back of her arms and legs.
As she came to her senses she could see she was surrounded by a group of boys, most showing looks of concern on the faces. The only one she recognized was Jack.
"We're on an island" Jack said, his red hair looking like fire in the sunlight. "Bloody lucky really!" He exclaimed. It finally occurred to her, she had lived.
Clare smiled
I can't believe I survived
"Here try to stand up" he instructed, rising to his own feet, and dusting sand off his clothes. They were sandy and wet, but it did nothing to detract his appearance. His jacket had most likely been cast off from the heat, and his damp white shirt clung to his muscular frame. He reached down, grasped her hands, and brought her to her feet easily.
"Will you be alright now, miss?"asked one of the littler boys tugging at her skirt.
"Yes, I believe so-" Clare felt herself sway and her vision started to go out. With a groan she fell to the ground, and fainted.

She opened her eyes and sat up, groaning. She stretched out her hand to regain feeling in them and came in contact with something. Her eyes widened when she realized it was Jack.
"I'm alright" he said. She didn't believe him and inspected his hand looking for any damage she could have done. " But you're not alright, that was a nasty fall!" He exclaimed. She nodded and coughed.
Was it the sand that made her throat burn?
"Here" said the rusty haired boy, offering her his hand " try to stand up" Clare gripped his hand tightly and stood, her legs wobbling slightly.
"Thank you" she said offering him a small smile of gratitude. He smiled back.
He just fell out of a plane and he still manages to look beautiful.
Clare looked down at her self and she saw that she looked surprisingly okay. Her dress a bit tattered, a few bruises here and there, but she was alive. Jack pulled his hand out of hers and she internally groaned. She liked how his large hand engulfed her small one, it made her feel safe. He looked at her intently, staring her up and down. She realized that all the little ones that had surrounded her were gone.
"Where did the little boys go?" She asked looked around at her surroundings, her vision still a little blurry. Jack blinked his blue eyes at the sun and said " They went with Ralph, he called a meeting" Clare nodded and brushed a piece of brown hair behind her ears. "We should probably go, all the others must be waiting" he said, offering her his arm. She smiled and took it, walking along the hot sand.
"Look who finally decided to show" the blond boy commented dryly as Jack and Clare walked onto the platform. He was standing up in front of all the younger boys, most of which were whining or crying for the mothers. He was holding a cream shell precariously with both hands, while Piggy was running about aimlessly trying to get a headcount.
"Shove off, she got sick" Jack snapped sharply. Ralph's face softened as he scanned Clare up and down.
"Are you alright?" He asked. She nodded.
"Yeah I'm alright" she replied, blushing because he was still staring at her. His green eyes held her gaze for a second, but it felt like an eternity.
"Good" Ralph finally said "we were about to introduce ourselves so we could see who's the oldest." He looked down a Piggy who was still uselessly puttering around. "So how many are there?"
"I-I can't t-tell" Piggy stammered. They're so small........and noisy.......and they won't quit moving!" He straightened his glasses, pushing them up with one finger.
Clare heard the intake of a laugh from Jack, but she quickly nudged him with her elbow and he stifled it. While the chubby boy was certainly a good source of entertainment, she did feel a bit bad for him.
"It doesn't matter, we can count 'em later" the blonde decided, climbing smoothly onto a seaweed covered rock to elevate himself in front of the crowd. He stood tall and proud, his blond hair glinting in the sunlight, and his gem green eyes perfectly matching the sea behind them.
What is it with these academy boys? She thought. Even Jack's dark haired friend had attractive features in his face. Piggy was the only exception, she figured.
"Well boys, my name's Ralph and I'm seventeen years old" said Ralph.
".......and I like long walks on the beach" Jack singsonged under his breath. Next to him, Clare bit her lip to stop her laugh.
"Now it's your turn" Ralph prompted looking at Clare. He motioned her forward and placed a cream colored shell in her hands. "You need the conch to speak, that's the rule" she nodded and he helped her up onto the rock next to him.
"Well, I'm Clare. I'm seventeen too" she offered a girlish wave to the little ones, who smiled at her with missing teeth.
Jack stepped forward and offered her his hand. She took it and stepped cautiously off the slippery rock.
"Thanks" she said.
"No problem"Jack answered and swiftly stepped onto the rock with ease. Clare handed him the pearly conch.
"I'm Jack. I'm seventeen." He looked over at Ralph and gave him a lazy look. "Almost eighteen" Ralph ignored his comment and continued on. He motioned for Piggy to go next. Piggy tried very hard to get to the top of the rock, but his legs were a little too short and his body a bit too round and the rock was too slippery for him to get atop.
"Alright, he can do it from there. They can see him fine." Jack said in frustration of watching Piggy's fifth attempt.
"Well my name's-"
"Piggy your name is Piggy" shouted a boy in the crowd, presumably the one from the plane.
"No" Piggy whined "my name's-"
"Oink oink oinkety oink" the boys chanted meanly. Piggy's face turned bright red and the conch fell out of his pudgy hands and onto the soft sand.
"But-" he started
"OINK" the boys yelled. Piggy hung his head and made his way back to the log he was sitting on and sat down on defeat.
"Well then......." Ralph trailed looking sympathetically at his fat friend. "Who's next?"
"My name's Roger." A tall boy announced, the boy Jack was talking to on the plane. He brushed back his black bangs from his dark face. "Seventeen" his voice was low and menacing and it send chills up her back.
You're being stupid. You can't judge someone like that just because they have a low voice and dark hair! She scolded herself
Next, a thin, lanky boy with red-brown hair and mossy green eyes stepped onto the rock.
"I'm Simon" he said shyly, slightly blushing. He looked down at his feet and said "sixteen"
"I'm Sam-"
"-I'm Eric"
"An we're fifteen" two twins said simultaneously.  They were completely identical, and Clare knew she would never be able to tell them apart.
Then the little boys stood up and hollered out their name and age with lungs only young British boys possess.
"Henry six!"
"Jonny six!"
"Percival five!" Clare stopped at this one. This was the young boy she dropped out the plane.
Thank God he made it. He is safe. She exhaled a sigh of relief.
"Tony eight!"
"Avery six!"
Clare knew that there would be no way for her to remember all the names, so she patiently waited for the last boy to shout his identity. Ralph lifted himself back up onto the boulder. His arm muscles flexed as he did so and Clare appreciatively observed them.
"Now that we are all finished introducing ourselves, I want to talk to you boys"
'And girl' Clare thought.
We may be out here all by ourselves without adults, but we will, we must, look after ourselves!" Ralph announced spreading his arms wide. "After all we are English gentlemen, and we are Military Academy boys so, if there's any  group more apt to survive here it's us!"

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