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"Yoongi?" Jin was laying on the ground, his head in his boyfriend's lap. He was looking upwards to the sky, however the blue of the space above him was blocked out by a pretty pink shade of the cherry blossom he and his love were lazing under.

Yoongi smiled at the older man's voice, his finger gently raking through his boyfriend's, soft brown hair, "Yes, love?"

Jin cut his eyes from the blossoms up above to a prettier sight in his opinion. He would always think that Min Yoongi was stunning. He was so thin and pale but his skin had an unearthly glow to it, especially in the soft, shaded light underneath their cherry blossom tree. Yoongi seemed almost like a fantasy creature himself - a pretty nymph sent to tempt and lure Jin until he lost himself in those dark, brown eyes. However, they had larger concerns and Jin was wanting to voice them, "When can we be together? You know, for real? I'm sick of hiding."

The hand in Jin's hair stilled at this and instead of the rather blissful and peaceful little smile Yoongi had worn before, his lips turned downwards. There was a rather long pause before Jin's hair was being twisted and pulled slightly once again and Yoongi's lips curved upwards once more, "Do you want to come out together to both of our parents?"

Jin bolted upwards until he was sitting upright. He quickly moved himself around to where he could effectively throw his arms around his boyfriend's neck, "Oh, yes, Yoongi! I'd really like that!"

Anyone could hear the grin in Yoongi's voice without even having to set their eyes upon him, "Tomorrow?"

Jin pulled back and grasped the younger boy's hands, "Yay! I'm so excited! Now we can spend all of our time together and not be in secret anymore. I love you so much, Yoongi!"

They exchanged a gentle, quick kiss before Yoongi spoke, "I love you, too, Jin."

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