Whenever my dad was rooting for the Cheshire team, I was watching Lillian hang out with her friends on the sidelines. Sometimes I'd see her jogging down my street, but besides that, I never got see her and that kind of made me mad.

She was really quiet too, she never really talked to anyone and she never screamed or rooted for anybody at the football games. She looked like she was forced to go to the games, just like I was. Neither of us seemed to have any interest in the games at all. She also didn't hang out with many popular people, which was my favorite thing about her.

But there was one day that made me like her a whole lot more.


Everyone was screaming and rooting for their favorite team, but I was watching Lillian. Her long, auburn hair cascaded down her back and her cute, little freckles could be seen from miles away.

My dad was screaming at my cousin, telling him to "run the ball". Unfortunately, I did not speak football language, so I had no idea what he was saying. My dad noticed me staring and he looked down at me. "What do you want Justin?" he asked. "Can I borrow a five bucks, so I can buy a drink at the food stand?" I said, hoping that he'd give me the money. I hadn't drunk anything in a while.

My dad nodded, reaching in his pocket. He pulled out his wallet and rummaged through the little compartments.. Finally, he pulled out a crisp five-dollar-bill and handed it to me. I grabbed it and mumbled a quick "thank you" before hopping off of the bleachers.

My feet met with the ground and I sprinted away. I pulled my hoodie over my head, hoping that nobody would recognize me. I wasn't in the mood to be picked at and all I wanted was a drink and possibly nachos.

"Hey Bieber," a voice called from behind me. I snapped myself around to come face to face with Bryce Dunham. He was my cousin's friend, but he went to Oak Falls High because he was expelled from Cheshire High. He told a nurse to go "f*ck herself". Fortunately, he was expelled from my school and was sent to Oak Falls High.

"What do you want Bryce?" I asked. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward. "Is that how you talk to me?" he said, bringing me closer. "I'm s-sorry, I did not - I didn't mean to offend you. . . I am truly sorry," I apologized. Before I knew it, my body made contact with the ground. My head smacked off of the hard ground at full force.

Laughter filled the area as everyone gathered in a circle around me. I was pretty well-known around here for being a dork, nerd, and freak. Anybody would love to see me get my butt kicked.

Bryce knelt down beside me. He smirked again, before bringing his fist to my jaw. I let out a little groan, but I refused to show him that I was hurt; I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

He then punched me in the face three more times. I was dizzy at the time and all I could hear was the sound of giggling and Bryce harassing me. "Get off of him, you jerk," I heard someone yell. "Get off of him!" the girlish voice squealed. "Bryce, I am going to tell your father if you don't leave right now," the voice yelled, again. "Fine, you stupid brat," I heard Bryce say. I heard some shuffling and I looked up to see that Bryce was walking away from me.

I felt someone grab my hand and I was slowly lifted up. I stood up on my feet and opened my eyes. Everything was still a little dizzy, but the dizziness wasn't as bad as before. "Are you okay?" the voice said. I rubbed my eyes and nodded my head.

Finally, I raised my head to see who saved me. It was Lillian.

*Flashback Over*

She gave me ice to put on my face and she put a bandage on my lip. She only asked me if I was okay, but it still was one of the best days of my life. It's kind of stupid for me to be mad because she doesn't remember me. She only talked to me a few times and we didn't even go to the same school. But I definitely remembered her. She was the only person in school who actually took time out of their day to help me and acknowledge me; I'll never forget that.

It was shocking to see her standing on my porch that night. I never expected to see her again because I planned to never go back to Oak Falls, unless I wanted to find a new target. I couldn't have killed her that day because she saved me from Bryce. My injuries probably would have been much worse if it wasn't for her.

Even if I didn't know her, I probably wouldn't have killed her. She probably would have had that effect on me when she was standing on my porch; just like she had that effect on me when I was a little sophomore. I could never hurt somebody that makes me smile a real smile.


Holy crap, I have so much to uncover in this story, you don't even know. THERE IS SO MUCH SECRETS AND MYSTERIES TO COME. Sorry if this was confusing, because it was confusing for me to write, haha. Sorry if my grammar sucks right now, because I am so tired and I tried to update for you guys.

Okay, so if you were confused: Justin knew Lillian back when he was in high school and he had a little crush on her. One day he was at a football game and he was getting bullied and hurt and Lillian came to the rescue. They only spoke a few words and she gave him an icepack and a bandage, but he remembered it forever. He didn't kill her when she found his house, because he remembered her and how she saved him from Bryce.

This chapter was ALL over the place and I hope you guys get it. I am sorry if this chapter sucked.

Confusing? Yes. Understandable? I hope so.

This chapter was slightly longer lol.

For next chapter:

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