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I don't recommend skipping paragraphs.

Your eyes were open throughout the night. You weren't sure if it was 15 minutes till sunrise, or if Janson left you less than an hour ago. Your bed was comfortable enough. After weeks in the Scorch, you can't complain, really.

Accepting that you weren't going to get any sleep any time soon, you walked to the door by the corner. Like you had guessed earlier, it was a bathroom. It was white tiles all over, except the ceiling. One toilet, a sink, and a toothbrush in a cup. The shower head was hanging from the wall and there was no curtain or door to separate it from the rest. If you took a shower, the whole bathroom floor would be wet.

For no reason at all, you felt your heart get heavier and your thoughts lingered to Newt. Were they feeding him well? Is he hydrated?

He should be since, for some reason, he's important to WICKED.

Did WICKED know he wasn't immune? Why would they want him so much if he could get infected? For all you knew, the flare could be eating him up right now.

Unmoving, your eyes drifted to the walls. It had the simplicity that all WICKED facilities held. A medium-sized vent, much like the vents Thomas went through to escape many weeks ago.

A vent. For escape.

You couldn't fit in it, but perhaps you could toss something inside the vent. Maybe—just maybe—Thomas would one day sneak through the vents and find it, and know you're here.

You reached for your bag that rested underneath your jacket. It was a miracle Janson didn't find it. After a long moment of hesitation, you folded a photo of you and Isaac and tossed it into the vent.

You mentally berated yourself for having such unrealistic hopes and forced yourself to expect less. There was a more important issue at hand.

Newt. Isaac. Isaac and Newt.

His memory was a ticking time bomb. Sighing, you walked to your door where a guard stood. You signaled for him to open the door. He pressed his badge against a scanner, removed his mask, and looked to you.


"Bring me to Janson," you said. "please," you added.

Wordlessly, he walked along the hallways. He didn't close the doors, so you assumed he wanted you to follow.

He stopped at a two-door entrance, pressed his badge against a scanner again, and left.

The doors opened to reveal a large room, more like a very wide hallway, with windows at the end. A desk, a chair, and a man sat in the dark near the windows, which revealed a few city lights revealing that it was still night time.

"Y/N, darling," a voice you identified as Janson's spoke, "what can I do for you?"

"Tell me what you want to do to Newt," you said in a soft voice.

"Come in, come in," Janson said, "there is no rush."

Suddenly, a row of lights at the center of the ceiling lit up. You walked in and stood before him, a foot away.

"Now, why should I tell you why we want A5?"

"You're acting very weird," you said. "why not just get on with the procedure? Are his memories important? Does he have to do it without being forced?"

Janson sighed. "We don't know much, Y/N. Only that Newt's reaction to his environments is significantly more different than that of his peers'."

"What do you mean?"

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