i'm sorry

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Recently, I uploaded a mini series of imagines on my TBS/Newt imagines book, called Texas Ranger. People have been PMing me to make it a book of its own, so stay tuned for that!

For this story, please note that it is FAN fiction so I have tweaked the plot quite a lot. But all basic elements are still here.

Let's see how Newt and the reader are doing!

As you walked, buildings started to pass you by one by one. Then as you walked further into the town, a neighborhood of houses and buildings presented itself with a busy street—at least, as busy as an infected town could be.

Hesitant at first, you clung to Newt when you caught a glimpse of the people's lifeless faces. If they weren't moving and talking, you would have mistaken them for a crank.

Maybe they all were on their way to that.

You relaxed when Newt rubbed your arm but tensed again when you caught Jorge glaring at you. He then looked to Newt, then back at you.

Newt was confused by this, but the message was clear.

Tell him your secret.

You nodded once to tell him you got what he was hinting at. This satisfied him, and he caught up with Minho who was navigating where to go. Jorge knew someone in this town, someone who helped operate the Right Arm.

Jorge led you through a narrower part of town. Newt was pulled away by Minho for a 'talk', so you sided with Teresa, who gave you a side-hug, her face sad and scared.

"We're almost there," Jorge muttered loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Stay quiet, kids. Let me do the talking. We wouldn't want things to get violent."

"And if it did?" Thomas spoke up.

Jorge looked all of us in the eye, one by one. "Run."

Instinctively, you looked at Newt at the back, who was already looking at you. He offered you a small smile as if to say it's okay, but his eyes said otherwise.

When you looked ahead of you, Thomas was holding a gun.

You looked behind you again to see Brenda handing Minho a blade and Newt a slightly larger gun than Thomas'.

"Is this really necessary?" Teresa asked.

"You don't know how Marcus gets," Jorge answered. "he's unpredictable. I asked Thomas who the good shots were last night. I gave them weapons. Simple."

"What about us?" Aris piped up. Sometimes Aris stays quiet for so long you forget he's there.

"That brings me to the last part," Jorge had a smile in his voice. "the armed ones in here are Thomas, Brenda, me, Newt, and Minho. I'm going to ask you to stay with any of us at any time. Even better, form a buddy system or something."

Teresa sided with Brenda, Aris with Thomas, Minho with Frypan and Newt with you. You decided Jorge was best alone in case anything happened.

"Marcus is only a block away. Y/N, another word with you."

You obliged, running up to him.

"I expect him to know of this before we reach the Right Arm to avoid any more... complications."

"I can't, Jorge... I just got him back." you felt tears in your eyes.

"It's either you tell him or you both don't go into the Right Arm at all."

You stopped walking, waiting for Newt to catch up with you before walking again.

"You know, Y/N, that thing with Jorge is really worrying me. What's up?"

"I'll tell you soon, I promise," you smiled at him. He smiled back. A real smile this time.

"Where's Marcus?" Jorge asked from way up front.

You hadn't realized you entered a large gate—probably to Marcus' home.

"In his office. What brings you here?"

"None of your business, Jacob."

Jorge led you to a small cabin in the middle of a grassless yard. He gave you all warning looks before pushing the door open.

"Jorge! What a surprise. Never thought I'd see the day you leave your sanctuary," there was venom in Marcus' voice.

"Desperate times, Marcus."

"Who do you have here? An army?"

"WICKED property."

"Is that so? What do you want me to do?"

"They're clean. Experiments of phase one. Let us in the Right Arm."

"Really, Jorge? All of them? I doubt WICKED would let such a precious group go."

"They didn't. Well?"

"I'll have them tested." Marcus bent down to open a drawer—he was doing quite well despite the drought outside. He had a functioning office, much like the ones before the Flare. "We document people we let in the Right Arm, Jorge, it's not some public gathering for the immune."

All the Gladers shared confused looks. You sighed.

"Grab me those folders, will you, girl?" Marcus was actually talking to you, motioning to a box resting on one of the shelves about as high as your head.

You nodded once and tiptoed to reach the box. It was heavy. You saw Newt move to help you right before your grip slipped and the folders fell to the ground.

You wanted to die.

Marcus sighed. "I suppose my files need sorting, anyway,"

The Gladers all scrambled to help you pick the papers up.

"Is this... Newt? Is this you?"

Aris was shuffling papers inside a green folder and caught glimpse of Newt's face. It indeed was Isaac.

"Looks like you, Newt," Brenda commented. Thanks, Brenda. 

"Y/N?" Newt touched your shoulder. "Are you alright?"

You realized you were beet red and your eyes were closed. Tears threatened to fall.

Newt's eyes fell on the file.

"Isaac Newton... WICKED lab head... twenty-four years old... male... 66 kilograms...

early signs of the Flare."

All eyes fell on you.

You couldn't look at anyone.

Not at Jorge's disappointed stare, not at Minho's confused and angry glare... not at Newt's heartbroken eyes.

"I... I thought they only sent immune kids to the Maze?"


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