once upon a dream

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Minho insisted on you getting up when it was still dark, claiming it was better to walk in the cold than in the sun.

You shoved Newt's jacket back in his hands despite his persuasion as you walked, hoping that out of the blue, the Right Arm would emerge.

Minho wasn't happy that Newt hung out with you instead of standing as the voice of reason. Ergo, he wasn't happy with you.

Part of you thought that Newt was using you so he could unfold more of his past.

That part was probably right.

But your heart told you that he was here, and that's what matters most.

And that's why you were giving Newt the letter he wrote you right after he found out he was going in the Box.

You shuddered, recalling the last time you saw Isaac.

You had refused to see him being thrown in the Box - not that he'd let you anyway - he'd kissed you until your lips were swollen. He full-out cried, commanding you to never forget how much he loved you.

He had made Dominic promise to take care of you - make you sleep and eat - but not force you to do your work.

Even Janson was considerate for the first few weeks, letting you rest and cry in your dorm.

And seeing Isaac again... even more broken than you last saw him... it took every ounce of will not to cry.

"I was going to wait until we become close," you explained to him as you walked. "but Isaac would want me to give this to Newt."

Newt smiled gently, unsure of what to say as he took the piece of paper.

You took care of it quite well, so the paper was still smooth and flat.

He didn't read it out loud but he didn't have to. You had that letter memorized by heart.

My dearest Y/N,

I hope this letter serves as a constant reminder of my love for you.

I cannot say I'll be lost up there without you - I won't even remember your name.

But, my love, please forgive me.

Forgive me for failing you in the worst way possible.

Please take care of yourself like I have taken care of you.

Is it selfish that I'm glad I'm the one who's being sent up in the Box, and not you? It would be terribly frightening to have you wrestled away from my arms. I would not be able to take it.

Please let someone else take care of your heart.

Let him swear his life to you, let him kiss you good night before you go to bed.

Let him do all the things I should have done.

Suddenly, Newt put the letter away, breathing shakily. "I will read more of this later," he promised, "this is just a bit much to take in."

Minho called for a break then, when he found a rock you all could get some shade under.

Newt walked away from you much to your dismay. You sat alone, trying to get some of the little air there was in the Scorch.

"So, you and Newt, huh?"

You looked up to see Minho beside you, looking at you with an unamused expression.

You cleared your throat. "No, it's nothing like that."

"Right," he laughed bitterly, shaking his head. "you knew him before?"

"Yeah," you nodded slightly.

"How about me?" his expression softened.

"Yep," you boldly chuckled. "you were quite the guy."

"We weren't...?"

"We weren't dating." you smiled reassuringly. "We were close. You were like my big brother. My protector."

"Huh." was all he said.

Not being able to help yourself, you went on. "You used to sneak to my room all the time when I couldn't sleep. You'd tell me stories about what happened that day until I fell asleep."

You continued, "you always told Isaac to take care of me or-"

"Isaac?" Minho scrunched his nose in confusion. "Boyfriend?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

"Boy, must you miss him." he said in a sarcastic tone.


"When was the last time you saw him?"

You sighed, giving in. "Don't tell anyone," you warned.

He nodded.

You took a deep breath and pointed to Newt, who was playing around with the letter, not really reading it.

"That's messed up." he sighed. "We knew each other? That shank and I? That's kind of cool."

"Yeah. You were buddies." you smiled lightly.

"He knows?" he asked.

"Yeah." you nodded. "That piece of paper he's holding was his last letter to me. I kept it."

Minho didn't reply, obviously lost in thought.

Winston started to scream in agony, getting all of your attention.

Thomas was the first to reach him, yanking the gun away from his hand.

Before you could even stand up, Newt looked at you sternly, telling you to stay away silently.

After a few minutes, you got enough time to see Newt place the gun in Winston's hand, stand up silently, then walk toward your direction.

He offered you a hand. You took it, and he pulled you up to your feet.

"Let's go," he muttered, walking ahead with all the other Gladers behind, frozen in place.

You walked in silence. Soon you felt the other Gladers' footsteps behind you.

"You knew him?" he asked quietly.

"Not really. He just smiled at us from time to time."

He only nodded, obviously torn over the loss of another Glader.

You were miles away now, but you could still hear Winston's gun from that distance.

You all froze in place. Newt's hand pulled your head to his neck, surprising you both.

"I don't think I can handle losing anyone else." he sighed, walking again.

You hugged his torso - you felt him tense for a second, but he returned it by wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

You were conscious that all his other friends can see you behind you, but Newt was having none of that. He stopped you from looking behind you, knowing exactly what was on your mind.

"I'll protect you, Y/N," he vowed. "I may not be the person you love anymore, nor are you, but I will honor Isaac by protecting you."

You didn't know whether that promise brought you joy or sorrow.

But it kept you going.

It gave you a new hope that maybe - maybe - Isaac would come back to you in the form of a broken Glader.

See y'all at part IV in a few days! x Tell me your thoughts on this, they make my day.

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