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It all happened so fast.

From Minho being struck by lightning to finding yourselves stuck in a room full of bound Cranks, you barely registered anything.

Isaac was with you again.


He swore to protect you.

And protect you he did.

From that moment, you became his first priority. Though he still participated in group meetings and acted as one of the leaders, he made sure you were always near him, where he can see you.

And now here you were, being told by a man named Jorge that you were very valuable.

You chose to ignore most of their conversation until you realized he was looking at you.

Did he say something?

"No,” you heard Newt say. “we used to be, so I’ve been told."

He probably asked if you were together.

Only then did you notice that Newt’s hand was on the small of your back.

Jorge looked at you. “I’ve met you before,” he said, though it was obvious that he still didn’t know exactly who you were. “We will talk later.”

You weren’t sure how long they sat there, but it was spent planning to get to the Right Arm - someplace they kept the kids safe.

You were sat on the floor as they spoke, Newt right beside you

“We must keep the girl safe,” Jorge gestured to you to indicate that he was referring to you, not Teresa. “She’s the only one who remembers everything. She’s priority. Got it?"

Minho smirked at you, while the others nodded. Newt remained still.

“Get some rest, all of you.” Jorge stood from his seat. “It will only be a matter of time before those bastards find us. I will take first watch. Thomas, get some sleep - you take my place after some time.”

Brenda had placed some blankets on the floor. Newt caught your attention, gesturing to the blanket. “Ladies first."

"I’m not so tired,” you muttered.

Newt looked down in deep thought. “I suppose we have time for this,” he reached for his pocket to reveal his letter.


"Read it aloud?” you requested, shifting to get comfy.

“Sure,” he smiled, facing you and clearing his throat.

When you’re broken, let him try to fix you like I would have.

And when you have children, tell them about me.

Tell them how much I loved you.

Tell them to look for someone who cares for them as much as I have cared for you.

I hope you know that the last thought I will ever have is you.

The feeling of your heart on my chest.

Your hand in mine.

Your lips on my own.

And if by some miracle, you find me as someone else, and you are no longer familiar to me, I write to that person as well.

Isaac - or whatever they have named you when you were sent up there - take care of her.

The woman I write to is my life.

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