foreign memories

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You walked to Dominic, Isaac's best friend before he was sent to the Glade.

"Hey, you," you whispered to him, making sure no one hears. "Operation: Escape WICKED is set to play out later,"

Dominic looked at you sadly. "Y/N, Isaac doesn't remember you."

"I'll make him remember," you shrugged nonchalantly. "You'll still help us, right?"

"Of course," he nodded. "But what if he doesn't love you anymore once you tell him everything?"

Good question.

You'd lose all will to live.

"At least I'll be with him again," you whispered. "It'll hurt like hell... but he'll be with me. Even if he'll be Newt, not Isaac."

"Yeah... he doesn't look like Isaac anymore," he pointed to one of the computers that monitored their room. Newt sat on his bunk bed, having an argument with Thomas... most likely about trusting you.

"I'm sorry you had to lose him." you hugged him briefly. "Come right away after I interview him later, okay?"

You set to walk away when Dominic pulled you back. "Y/N... I shouldn't be telling you this, but Isaac was talking to me about asking you to marry him. Supposedly two months after he was sent up the Glade."

You couldn't help it. You did what you had to do despite your coworkers hustling about around you.

You cried.

You mourned over never being able to call Isaac your husband. The kids you'll never have. The tea-and-kisses-filled afternoon you'll never be able to cherish.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Group A starting to calm down on the monitor. Newt was the only one talking, save Minho and Thomas asking occasional questions.

Despite the technology WICKED used to its advantage, they didn't put damn microphones in the room so they could hear what the subjects were talking about.

"Y/N, come on. Janson will kill you if he catches you outside the lab. Five minutes and we have to interview Group A." one of your fellow older nurses held out her arm to you.

"Wait..." you mouthed to her before turning to Dominic. "This is probably the last time we'll see each other, so..."

He nodded. "Thanks for making him so happy, Y/N. You were his world. You still are." he squeezed you in his arms.

You sighed, collecting every bit of his large form into your tiny arms. "I love you, Doms. He loves you, too," you whispered, so no one will hear.

"I love you, too, Y/N. Take care of him," he whispered back.

"I will."

"Take care of yourself, too. Don't be a klutz."

You laughed, walking away.

"I'll see you at lunch," he said aloud, forcing a smile on his face.

"...I'll see you at lunch," you sighed, joining Maria, your fellow nurse.

You entered the lab to see Group A already waiting. They all eyed you suspiciously, supposedly doubting the authenticity of your motive.

"Hello, Newt."

"Y/N." his face was emotionless. It has grown a bit of stubble - it was becoming on him.

"Let's get this interview over with."

"So we shall." he leaned in when you sat beside him near the table. "Since you are going to lose your job... can you tell me who I was before this klunk happened to me?"

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