Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 40

Start from the beginning

"May as well just give me water and call that a meal..." I muttered before he's instantly taking a sip of the neutral coloured, porridge looking drink.

To no one's surprise, it had next to no flavour, paper probably tasted better. Despite this, the hunger that had settled in my stomach was slowly being satiated; better to be full than hungry when nervous, it just made it another thing to worry about.

The lady waited until both me and Henrietta had finished every last drop, and only then did she take her leave.

Finally, after a very drawn out hour, my hair and face were ready. My dress hung up in a garment cover waiting for me along with my shoes in a box. A couple of minutes later, Medina entered in a simple black dress with long lace-sleeves and black wedges. She engulfed both me and Henrietta in a hug, cautious to avoid touching our faces, which I was sure the stylists were glad for.

She stood at the side of our vanities, a hand on her chin, deeply analysing us.

"Right!" She clapped her hands, "you both look stunning, your makeup complements the dress that I and Emmanuel designed. Perfect. As soon as you're dressed, go to the room next door. The gents are ready and waiting for the little photo shoot."

Unzipping the bag revealed a Bardot lilac bodycon dress, with yellow heels to accompany it. Medina clapped her hands, summoning the maid that I told could sit down, and another that had been occasionally assisting the stylists helped me into my dress and shoes. They both fit perfectly.

Henrietta's was a salmon coloured embellished dress with silver stilettos to match the straps of the dress. It was a look that softened out usual he'd exterior, which truly was something the Queen needed if anything.

Medina made me pace up and down in the heels to ensure I was comfortable in them, not only because they were high, but also because I'd spent a good few months underground in ergonomically fitted shoes that didn't even elevate me an inch off the ground. Once she decided I looked fine, we were sent off to the next room.

There were multiple photography booths set up around the room, each armed with their own teams of photographers and assistants, all with white backgrounds and blinding lights.

Henrietta rushed past me impatiently, obviously not in the mood to stand behind me as I tried to work out what the room even was for before its transformation.

Alexander was sat adjacent to the door, joking around about something with Emmanuel. He also appeared 'softened out', much like his sister, in his fitted black trousers with vertical white stripes and a lavender coloured silk shirt. Emmanuel must have had a thing for making us dress in similar colours. The purple, however, looked good with both his own purple eye, along with is newly acquired red one.

When he caught my eye, he excused himself. Henrietta, who barely spared a second to greet her brother, quickly replaced him beside Emmanuel.

"You look so beautiful, as per usual," he said before placing a light kiss on my cheek.

"As do you- handsome, I mean." He also smelled really good too.

"I hope you're ready for today, we have quite a full timetable."

A bald Asian man in a black turtleneck appeared in front of us, taking me completely by surprise, "good morning, Your Highnesses. You're both needed for photographs."

Alexander and I walked over to the first booth, and the photographer bowed at us. According to Alex, rules had been put in place as not to stress us out, and so we didn't feel overwhelmed before we even left the castle. That meant limited time at each both, flashes couldn't be too bright, and nothing too obscure could be ordered.

The photos at some booths felt so cheesy and staged. They'd say things like "stand a few paces apart while facing each other, and stare at each other lovingly."Not that we didn't love each other, but that sort of... expression wasn't normal for us But it turned out it was for one of the magazines usually aimed at mothers, wives, women aged over 35+, who apparently liked their fair share of corniness. I'd probably never see the photos anyway so I didn't put up too much of a fight.

After going to almost all the booths with Alex, before I could sit down, the Asian man called me back for photos with Henrietta, since as 'sisters-in-law' we didn't have enough contact in the public eye. So again, more staged photos entailed. At least we didn't have to look into each other's eyes totally enamoured.

The last of us, the King and Queen eventually arrived. They were wearing complementing blue outfits, the King, in a velvet navy blazer, and the Queen in a blue maxi dress. They took a bunch of photos as a couple, and lastly, we had group photos, as a family and some with Emmanuel too.

Leading us all into a separate room for privacy, the King sat us all down and stood at the front of the room, ready to list the day's sequence of events. After the speeches, we'll split up: The King and Queen would be together to reopen a bunch of places, me and Alexander would be together, Jayden and Leyton and Henrietta and Emmanuel would be the final pairs. We'd be going around making appearances at places like schools, local shops and residential areas, simply listening to what people had to say.

Once the very brief brief was over, we were taken out to the front of the castle, where a stream of cars were waiting for us. We went in our pairs, of course, the King and Queen would be in the front car, behind the security vehicle.

The skies were dotted with helicopters, but it wasn't clear which ones were news reporters and which were security. At least we'd be in safe hands, regardless.

As soon as the car door was shut behind us, Alexander pulled out some cue cards, his eyes began scanning over them at lightning speed and his lips parted and closed as they ghosted the words. I placed a reassuring hand on his knee, both for his benefit and mine; this was going to be a long day for everyone.

My eyes remained trained outside the window on the streets which were all streaming with life. Nerves were nibbling away slightly at the back of my mind, which was where they'd remain. Today was a good day, we had nothing but good news to announce, and I wasn't going to let my nerves get in the way of that, especially since I didn't have to do anything but sit and look pretty.

"We'll soon be encountering crowds," said the driver. That was our signal keep our heads up and begin waving at the civilians.

Alexander sighed and put away his cards. He put on a show-stopping smile; his fangs caught the fragments of light bright enough to penetrate the tinted windows. "At least I never lost the ability to be able to fake smile," he joked.

When the windows went down, Alex took the hand I'd put on his knee into his own and turned to offer the crowds his stunning smile.

I copied, making sure I made eye contact with as many people as I could, waving at everyone I locked eyes with. Considering all that had happened, they appeared excited to be out to see us, especially so early in the day. They were probably also eager to hear what we had to announce.

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