『 satu; wth 』

358 18 11

yoongi stared at his messy handwriting displayed on all four pieces of paper. he tilted his head to the side and looked at it again. it wasn't that lopsided, right? from his current angle it looked fine so he just shrugged it off and poured himself another glass of alcohol. he let the clear liquid slide down his throat, even though it burned. he felt dizzy, but instead of calling it a night and going to bed, he picked up the bottle and brought it to his lips. he tilted his head back, letting the contents to empty itself from the bottle and slip into his mouth and down his throat.

"woohoo!" yoongi slurred. "it's getting hot in here!" he felt his body burn up. he picked up letter v and stared at it for a good minute.

"hoseok," he giggled. "hoseok doesn't care about weather!" he went into a laughing, coughing fit. "why would he care when he's the fucking sun!"

to be completely honest, yoongi wished hoseok cared about the weather. he wished the younger would notice that he was the winter and he was freezing. hoseok was his sun.


and now his sun had left him, leaving him in the empty cold, and taking away the comfort of warmth. yoongi, in a way, was freezing to death, the feeling had turned him back into the cold person before the summer. before the sun. before hoseok.

"what the hell? what the hell is this bullshit?" yoongi exclaimed as he picked up the other letters. " 'hi hoseok.'? 'it's just me, yoongi.'? he knows who you are you fucking idiot!" he groaned to himself. he picked up a new sheet of paper and his pen and began writing the sixth letter.

letters to hoseok | myg + jhs [√]Where stories live. Discover now