Alternative 1

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It's been about two or three months since you were rescued by Alice and Boris or as he likes to called Tom, but during the time you and Henry lately have strange dreams or random mirages - the strange black tints on your fingers has extended covering half of your arms as well as making your fingers more claw like. The agility you've been gain from 'Alice' has given you causes the cartoons to cuff your wrists understandably for the things you did to FrankenBoris. 
Watching Alice in the small cell you and Henry were put in as the angel painted some kind of map on the wall as she hums a familiar tune, hearing Henry get up from the small bed and stood next to you.

"I know that song."

"Everyone knows that song..."

"Yeah, my brother wrote it."

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Me and (Y/N) were invited by an old friend... and now we can't leave."

"Then you know more than we do. One minute we don't even exist... just... thoughts. And the next minute... this place."

They talked for a while so you decided to sit on the ground as Judith who's grown a bit bigger squeezed their heads through, petting their heads until Henry went back to rest. Leaving you with the sound of the brush against the wall and your thoughts about the past few days in the cell - are people looking for you and Henry? What's happening with your family? Is Linda okay?

"So how long you and Henry known each other?"

Glanced back up at the angel who turned away from her work and kneeling in front of you.

"He and I met when I first came here to the studio along with my brother Sammy, he's been like a father to me."

"And Judith?"

"Just a month ago this little guy and I bond right away."

For the next few days it's been quiet with Alice or Tom going out to get supplies or rations, while the other watches over you mainly Tom was the one watching menacingly you and Henry with his axe having a staring contest with him until you spoke out a dumb joke.

"Can I axe you a question?"
"Uh oh I axe-identally (accidentally) chipped my nail."
"Can axe-plain why you don't like us?"

Resulting in him to groan or toss something at the fence but when it's Alice she either paint on the wall or making conversation with you or Henry.  At the moment you're losing a game of a makeshift checkers game of 1 - 4 with the angel with black and white pieces as Judith chews on old bones while Henry's still asleep.


Banging your head on the table as the pieces bounce off the board.

"I hate this game."

Alice ruffles your hair before going back to painting the wall.
Laying your back against the bed Henry's sleeping shutting your eyes closed - everything is destroyed and covered in ink as you fought off whatever was chasing you with it's elongate arms, slashing it across the face with your claws as screeches at you - slamming you down onto the ground with it's large hand.

"We can't just leave them!"

Jolting right up as Henry stood in front of the boarded door.

"Not with the ink demon right outside the door!"

"What's going on?"

"He's coming we have to move on!"

Getting up from your spot and standing next to Henry as Judith growls at the thing at the door.

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