What happened?

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Dear Henry and (Y/N)

It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. 30 years really slips away. Doesn't it? If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. There's something I need to show you.

Your best pal, Joey Drew.

You read the letter once more while you were in the car with Henry going down the road where you use to go to the old studio, excited to see everyone and your brother. It was great being at Disney and all but doesn't compare to your old friends at the old studio with the characters from the animations alive especially Alice, the horned angel somehow had your heart even though she was a ink character created by you and Henry.

Look out the window watching the trees pass by until the building came to view, looked as the same as it was ever was; the huge sign with Bendy's face smiling with his friends at his sides with Alice preying and Boris playing his clarinet to some sheep. The place looked time itself didn't touch in years as if Joey somehow had the place diapered everyday.

"Hey Henry?"


"Is it me or does the place seem the same since we left?"

scratched his beard thinking if it were true then again you had second thoughts on it too; maybe Joey did this every year to keep the building looking shiny and new, heck you wouldn't blame him if you owned a huge studio you'd keep from aging now thinking further into this you were probably just too much into thought since you left the place. Honestly working at Disney requires big thinking sometimes for new shows and episodes from time to time, still it was weird that the place looks brand new.

"Let's just get inside, Henry it's about to rain anyways."

You straighten your once inside, but you noticed it right away that everything inside was as if a tornado came and destroyed the place, the walls were cracked and sealed with nailed boards, the floor wooden boards looked like they ripped off and the roof had tubes and leaked paddles of black water. Besides all the mayhem there were still a few posters still on walls, projectors still working and show the little devil dancing with chairs upfront and still incontinent but that doesn't help with the musky smell and eerie sounds from the distant, you and Henry decide to split up to find the crew in the building. While wondering the place you found things that others called creepy was writings on the walls and the bendy cutouts popping out of no where. HECK! You even found stuffed dolls around the place was creeping you out. After what felt like forever you find yourself a room containing a machine that's dripping the dame stuff from the tubes in the roof, you called to Henry about this machine.

"So this is the ink machine."

"Ink machine? Why would Joey need a ink machine?"

"Beats me. Anyways during my search I found a few things about the place since we left and apparently we need to a few items in order to work this machine."

"Such as..."

"A wrench, a cogwheel, a record, Bendy toy, ink and the Illusion of Living book."

You split paths once again to find the items b.ut during your search you felt eyes watching your every move and the sounds of shoes behind you even though you turn around to see who was behind you it would stop.

Who ever it was seemed to have interest you.

30 minutes later

After consent jump scares you found all the items required for the machine, pushing the button for the ink pressure and the lever for the flow you and Henry head to the machine only to find it boarded up.

"Henry did do you this?"

"No I thought you did?"

Going closer to investigate was possibly the worst thing to do in your life. The little devil, Bendy popped scaring the colors away from your body as ink started to fill the room while Henry carried you away from the demon and heading to the exit.

That was only thing you remember before falling through the ground.

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