Yuta wasn't staring at me but his presence alone made me feel uncomfortable while Bretton blatantly stared with a smile that didn't look friendly.

The girl was obediently standing beside me but her curiosity obvious.

Oren turned around to walk away and he had only taken a step away from me when he turned around suddenly and faced me taking me by surprise.

He placed his hand on my head and soothed my hair as he always did when we were younger. The back of his hand trailed on my dirty cheek but he didn't look repulsive by my current state.

His gaze was warm and filled with concern as he looked down at me. "I will come to you later." Oren said softly, the same tone he always used with me.

"Okay." I nodded obediently and smiled at him. He didn't change. Oren was still the same Oren I knew and that made me happy.

With a soft sigh, he walked away with the other two men leaving me alone with Zeze.

"Hi, I am Zeze." The girl introduced herself even though Oren already told me who she was.

"Hi, I am Meryl." I mumbled meekly.

Hunger was gnawing in me and I had no strength left.

"So where to?" Zeze asked me enthusiastically. Her chirpiness and enthusiasm rolling off of her in vibes.


She looked confused by my response but I was so tired and hungry to the point I was annoyed at no one in particular.

"Where is that?" She went on with her questions which irked me more.

"Beta Gerard house." I answered her nonetheless wanting to get this over with quickly so I could eat and sleep.

"But they're not at home. They went on a vacation with Alpha Mason and his wife." Zeze informed me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Then take me anywhere where I can get food and sleep." I snapped irritably but as soon as I saw the hurt look on her face I regretted how I behaved.

She was only helping me and I let my hunger get the best of me.

"I am sorry Zeze. I am just so hungry and tired." I apologized quickly.

"I understand. I will take you to the pack house then." She smiled at me in understanding and started walking towards the direction of the pack house.

I trailed behind her, both of us falling into a peaceful silence, making no sound.

The part of the pack we were current walking was eerily quiet because they were off limits to the pack members until said otherwise.

"How old are you, Zeze?" She looked younger than me even though we were of the same height.

"I am 15 years old. It was my birthday yesterday." She answered me with a radiant smile on her face. She fall in steps beside me, a smile still etched on her face.

Her happiness was obvious and her smile contagious making me break a smile of my own.

"Happy belated birthday, Zeze."

"Thank you, Meryl." She grinned broadly at me making me feel all the more bad for my earlier behaviour towards her. "Are you friends with Alpha Oren?"

It took me a moment to answer her question because I didn't know for sure where I stand in his life now. It's been three years since I last saw him, he was sent away from the pack three years ago to Gordon, like all soon-to-be Alphas were, to train and learn about their duties as an Alpha.

Xerxes Knight: The Alpha King | ON GOING.Where stories live. Discover now