What held most of Kara's attention, however, were the three enormous monitors embedded into the front wall. The middle screen was easily the largest and was flanked by two smaller panels. The one on the left rattled off the vital signs of a dozen people in a bright green and red. A quick glance over the vital signs and, Kara could easily tell that the names in red were of those in critical condition. After a moment, the list flickered and was replaced with a new one. The panel on the right displayed a sliver of the Middle-East, dotted with several bright blue pinpoints.

"Come on. You sit next to me." Chester grabbed her wrist and gently tugged her through the maze of desks and people. "You remember Howard, right?" he said as they stopped at the third row. Howard's lip curled up in disgust, not even bothering to lift his eyes from his screen.

"Always a pleasure," Kara sighed. Chester grinned and gestured for her to take a seat. "Anyways," Chester claimed the chair beside her. "Your job here's pretty simple." He reached across to her computer and tapped on the screen with a fingertip. "This is a list of all the boys on our team."

Kara didn't miss Asher nor Somer's names. "Tapping on a name will bring up a more detailed description of their vitals, location, and live footage from their own two eyes. We have special contact lenses that record everything they see, and little chips that follow their locations. Awesome, isn't it?" Chester pressed Asher's name. His pulse was slow, resting at a steady forty-five beats per minute, and the footage was filled with static.

"He isn't awake yet," Chester explained. "It was a very long night for them."

"What's this?" Kara pointed to a set of numbers. She recognized the unit of measurement but wanted to be sure...

"Radiation levels," Chester's lips pursed. "The numbers are high now, but that's only because they were exposed to quite a bit of acid rain last night."

"Acid rain?"

"Yep. Radioactive particles of sulfuric acid. Heavily diluted by the water, thank God, but it still gave them a run for their money. Not to mention the lightning."

Dear Lord, they're never going to make it out of there alive.

"Are you sure they're alive?"

"Your boyfriends are fine," Howard grumbled.

"Shut it, Howard. Come on Kara, there's still plenty more to learn."

Tianshi Chen, Indian OceanJuly 5, 205612:14 Hours 22℃

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Tianshi Chen, Indian Ocean
July 5, 2056
12:14 Hours

Asher woke up at ten. Ten. To pass the time, Chester had shown Kara every mundane inch of the facility and then apologized with a two-hour lunch break. When they'd returned, Asher had barely woken up, along with Somer and a few others.

"What's happening?" Kara whispered, frowning at Asher's anxious heartbeat.

"Looks like they ran into a local," Chester mused. "Lucky them. Let's put this up on the big screen."

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