Chapter 7: Charles

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I cried all night last night and cut myself about ten times, god that sounds awful…but I didn’t sleep at all so I bet I look awful too. Right as we speak, I’m on the bus to the Ski Resort we’re going to. Ellie is super excited about this and I’m sitting next to her on the bus.

“So anyways where did you go last night? Kelly gave me a ride home.” She asked me.

I looked out the window, “”I didn’t feel well.”

“Then why are you going on the trip.”

“High School Experience.” I mumbled quoting my dads.

Ellie nodded and I passed out in a ball on the ride there. Four hour ride with apelike teenagers, fun.


I woke up and Ellie told me I got roomed up with Alice Wintercast, who is a huge slut and will probably want to do the boy/girl room swap which was made by sluts and I’d have to be included in that because we share a room.

“I don’t want to room swap.” I groaned to Ellie as I grabbed my bags off the bus.

Ellie shrugged, “Maybe you can room with me for one of the nights, Megan probably won’t mind sleeping in the same room with us. You could share a bed with me, I don’t mind.”

“Thanks, El.” I said and then went into my room. Alice was already in there putting lip gloss on. She smiled at me and then helped me with my stuff. Alice and I have known each other since kindergarten and she became a slut around ninth grade… I think.

She flipped her curly red hair and said, “I hope you don’t mind being in the boy/girl room swap thingy.”

I shrugged, “Doesn’t matter I guess.”

“Awh, I hope you get a good guy.” She said and shyly smiled, “Like Harry Styles, he’s nice to you isn’t he?”

“I guess so.” I told her.

She nodded and then left the room. I sighed and flopped down on my bed. I can’t believe our counselors just don’t care about the room swap, seniors have done it since day one of the trip traditions and the counselors never to crap about it.

I found a quiet spot to red and I read The Fault in Our Stars for the fourth time. The couch spot next to me moved down and I looked over at Whiston Charles. He moved here in tenth grade and was kind of quiet but he’s really nice and popular.

“Hey Steph.” He said.

I nodded at him and said, “Hey Charles.”

“Thank god, you’re like the only person not calling my Whinny or my first name.” He smiled and then asked, “Are you one of those hipsters that are going to say, “I read this book before I knew there was going to be a movie?” or no?”

I smiled a little and closed my book, “No, Ellie made me see it with her and I thought I’d give the book a try.”

“I read it.” He told me leaning back.

“Did you?” I asked.

Charles nodded, “Yeah, mom sister bought it and I stole it from her one night and read it till one in the morning, by then I was crying and snotting everywhere… sorry girls don’t really want to hear about crying guys.”

“No no.” I said, “It’s kinda… cute actually.”

He blushed a little, “Really?”

I nodded.

“You know I don’t think I’ve ever really talked to you.” He told me.

I shrugged, “A lot of people don’t.”

“I don’t know why, you’re really cute and nice.” He told me.

I blushed and looked at the cover of my book. Whinston was nice and he was quite attractive. His blonde straight hair poked out of his beanie, his grey eyes were hidden behind his glasses, and I don’t know… if it was the Scot Vs. The World shirt on or that he was into The Fault in our Stars. But I liked him.

“Thanks.” I whispered.

Charles smiled, “So how are you?”

I shrugged, “Okay.”

““Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always” ― John Green.” He quoted the book.

Something inside me churned and I thought of Harry, maybe it was the way he saw my scars and didn’t call them gross. Or the way he took me to meet his grandma. Or the way he quoted things and made me feel special. Or maybe… just maybe it’s because of the way he looked at me and made me think everything was going to be okay.

“Nice.” I told him, “Quoting things, it’s cute.”

“Is it now?” Harry asked walking past and glaring at Charles. My heart skipped a beat, I looked at him. He was also wearing a beanie and he pulled it off better than Charles did. Harry also had sunglasses on and that made me wonder if he was high or not.

Carol was holding on to his hand and smiling with her bright red lipstick smeared a little. I suddenly felt… small. Maybe that bet was just a stupid was some cheesy way to get into my pants. I want to cry right now.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Charles sneered at Harry.

Harry just simple smirked, shrugged, and then said, “I wouldn’t know.”

We watched Harry walk away with Carol clawing at his arm. He turned back to smirk at me and him one last time then they went upstairs and to the room. I took a deep breath and knew what they’d probably do anyways.

“God I hate stoners.” Charles sighed.

I nodded, “Me too.”

“I thought you were…” he gasped a little.

I shook my head, “No, I’ve drank before but I’ve never been drunk.”

“I like you… not to be weird but, you're not like Carol or those other girls at our school.” Charles smiled shyly and asked, “How about when we get back to school, we can go on a date… if you want.”

I smiled, “Sure.”

He gave me his number and then some of his friends got him to go ski with him and I sat there for a while reading. Harry and Carol came back down thirty minutes later and went outside. I keep thinking of him. What would it be like if he and I were actually dating now…?


“Arighty.” Savannah clapped her hands, “Girls choose a card out of the red bowl, boys the black bowl.”

Stevie, a lesbian, asked, “Yo! SAV! What if we WANT to be roomed with a girl?”

Savannah made a face and mumbled some bible verse under her breath and walked away. I took a deep breath and kept my sassy comments back. I walked over to the red bowl and pulled out a card for the room.

“Oh, little Stephie-wefie is being a hoe?” Harry teased me in my ear.

I rolled my eyes, “No, Alice made me.”

“Sure sure.” He winked at me as he reached into the bowl and grabbed a card. I rolled my eyes and went into my old room to get my things then I walked a couple of doors down to my new room. And lucky me, guess who was in there?


I bet you’re going to guess right!

~Avalon ;) ;) ;)

SEX SCENE? Maybe you naughty naughty readers.


 BTW! Charles is on the side or the top for my device people! It's Nat Wolff who played Issac in TFIOS. I love you guys! <3

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