Chapter 2: Darker than you think

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I woke up and checked my phone that I had charging, Harry didn’t text me or call me, but Josh texted me asking where I was. I texted him saying Harry brought me home and then I took a shower and got dressed into a pair of pants and a tee-shirt with a band on it, then Harry’s sweatshirt.

My dads were downstairs and they had bacon and eggs made. I kissed them on the cheeks and sat down.

“How was  the party, Steph?” My father asked.

I shrugged, “It was okay.”

“Did Kaite like the present?” My dad asked.

“Everyone likes Taco Bell and her name was Kelly.” I said. My dad nodded and continued cooking.

“I don’t.” Said my father.

My dad laughed, “You get constipated for a couple days, you’re not a teen Mikey.”

“Ew.” I said swallowing my piece of bacon, “Dad, don’t say that at breakfast.”

My dad nodded, “I know I know, sorry, it slipped.”

Yes my dads were both men and weren’t allowed me technically be able to be married but in their hearts they knew they were. When I was in the 3rd grade I wrote a Certificate of Marriage for them and filled it all out for them and we hung it up in the living room. Most of my friends were okay with it and all the boys that I dated were okay with it otherwise I wouldn’t date them.

My dad was more of a mother figure to me and my father was the father figure. I felt it was better to call one father and one dad so I didn’t get confused as a child and I grew up that way.

They adopted me when I was one year old because both of my real parents died in a car accident and I wasn’t affected much because I was a baby and at a daycare when it happened. I have a picture of my parents and it’s hanging in my room.

My brother is eight years old and he knows what being a homosexul is. He is very proud of our dads and even wears in equality shirt. His name is Quentin and he says he liked both girls and boys but were not exactly sure what he means by saying that. He could be bisexual but we think he doesn’t know the difference between love love and friendship love yet.

I am straight though but I believe love is love no matter what.

“Good morning.” Quentin said walking in.

He and I didn’t look a like at all. I was pale with blonde hair and brown eyes, yes I’m one of those creatures with blonde hair and brown eyes, MAGICAL! And he had medium tan skin with dark brown hair and light brown eyes.

“I thought we were going to watch Frozen yesterday.” He whined to me.

I shook my head, “No, I said we’d do that today.”

“Doesn’t matter I watched it with dad yesterday anyways.”

I nodded, “We can go shopping today if you want.”

“Can we?” Quentin asked our dads.

“Can I come?” Dad asked.

We nodded and left after breakfast.


I was looking at phone cases while Quentin and dad were in a boy store. Harry texted me while we were in the car but I was driving so I didn’t answer. I texted him now.

Hey you ~ Harry

Hey ~ Steph

I walked into a bookstore and went into the non-fiction section and then looked for a couple of books. I got a text back and I checked it.

I know where you are ~ Harry

I smirked and replied.

You really are a stalker aren’t you ~ Steph

Indeed ~ Harry

Well Mr. Stalker, where am I? ~ Steph

“Boo.” Harry whispered into my ear.

I gasped and flipped my book around so the cover wasn’t showing, “Harry you scared me.”

“I know.” He smiled, “What book do you have?”

“I don’t know I just grabbed it.” I lied.

Harry narrowed his eyes, “I watched you go over here and pick it out.”


“Sure.” He said, “If it’s so random then why won’t you show me?”

I barely felt the book be lifted out of my hands, his smile dropped as he looked at the front cover, I shrunk back a little and he pursed his lips a little. His green eyes went darker and he closed his eyes and put the book back on the shelf.

“Why do you want that book?”

“I’m curious about it.”


“Yep.” I wheezed out the lie.

He closed his eyes, “Stephanie that’s a dark place to go, I can only hope you are truly curious about it and not…”

“Why does it matter?” I asked him.

Harry stared into my eyes, “You’re so beautiful.”

“Shut up.”

“Don’t tell me to shut up, Stephanie.” Harry warned me then whispered, “I know what it’s like, to hate yourself so much you think that’s the only way. It’s not, okay? That’s not the way to go. I’d hate to see something so beautiful be so… sad.”

“I said I was curious about it.” I told him.

He shook his head, “Don’t be.”

“I can’t help it.” I told him.

Harry bit his lip, “Then buy the damn book.”

“I will.”


“Fine.” I huffed, pulled the book off the shelf, walked over to the front desk, bought it, and then held the book and the bag at Harry. I narrowed my eyes at him and smiled. He looked at me and just shook his head. My heart was pounding, that was close.

The book: The Suicidal Mind by Edwin S. Shneidman.

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