Part 23

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-Sam/Star's P.O.V-

I walk into science, our science fair ideas are due soon and I don't even have a partner. I look to the back of the class where I normally sit and see Ursa. I can help but smile. I really like Ursa, she's cute, funny, nice but not too soft, she understands what it's like to be an outsider and she gives no s****.
"Hey, I heard you needed a science fair partner." She says
"Yeah, I do." I say sitting down
"Well guess what?" She says, "Mr. Dawson says we're working together and we have no choice."
"Aw I have to work with you." I joke, "I can't think of anything worse."
"Well, it might be better if I was good a science." She says
"It's fine, I am." I say
"Good, I'll get the snacks." She jokes, she looks at the clock, "We have to wait ten minutes until class starts." She pulls out a sketchbook
"You said you were bad at art." I say looking at the drawings in it
"I am." She says
"No you're not, there's are amazing." I say, she starts to blush
"Thanks." She say, she pulls out a pencil and turns to a page with the beginning of nineteen people.
"Who are they?" I ask pointing to the beginning of a girl in another girl's arms
"That's Ari and that's Alex." She says
"What about him?" I ask pointing to a boy on a cloud with a lightning bolt on his back
"That's Scott." She says, I point to a boy next to Scott who has some rocks surrounding him, "That's Callum." I point to a girl with sunglasses on, "Shelby." one by one I point to someone in the picture and she tells me who it is. At their feet is and animal. By Scott's and Callum's there are two foxes, by Shelby, there's a coyote, Lauren is riding on a deer, in Lizzie's lap is a cat, next to her is Joel with a dog, Yammy has a leopard next to her, Joey has a lion, Oli and Liam both have pandas, Meghan has a panther, Will has a jaguar, Jesse has a panther, and Alex, Ari, Ovi and Bella have wolves.
"Where's your animal?" I ask her
"I don't have an animal." She says, "Instead I have..." She quickly draws another person, "You."
"Ok class." The teacher calls, the lesson starts.

The school day finally ends. Instead of rushing out of the classroom Ursa and I hang back.
"We need to work on our project." She says
"Yeah, we do." I say
"You doing anything today?" She asks
"No, but we can't do it at my house." I say
"Ok, we might be able to do it at mine, I just need to ask my friends." She says, we walk down the hallway where the rest of Ursa's friends are waiting for her
"It's about damn time." Ovi says, "I was beginning to think you got lost." Ursa rolls her eyes
"Ovi can you not right now?" Bella says, this time Ovi rolls her eyes
"Can Sam come over?" Ursa asks, "We need to work on our science project."
"Sure." Bella says
"We gonna over look how that goes against all of our rules and how Sam won't even see the house?" Ari asks
"Oh yeah, that's a problem." Ursa says
"What?" I ask confused, "Why would I not see your house?"
"We could always lift the charm for her." Alex says
"That could work." Bella says
"What about the rule?" Ari asks
"Screw it." Jesse says, we all start walking to their house.
"Woah, you house is huge." I say walking through the door
"Yeah, it is." Ari says, "We also just got Ursa's room set up, the orb will take you to it."
"Orb?" I asks confused, a floating sphere floats in front of me, "You guys see this too right?"
"Don't worry about it." Ursa says, "It's just my orb." I look at the orb again, it's all black with the Ursa Major on the back. We follow it to her room which's a cozy room with the ceiling painted to look like stars.
"Nice room." I say looking around
"Thanks." She says, "It just needs a little personalization."
"Like what?" I ask, the room already suits her personality perfectly
"Ok, don't freak out." She says, she snaps her fingers and a desk appears in the corner. She snaps them again and her bed moves from the middle of the wall to a corner. Where the bed was a bookshelf appears. She snaps one more time and I some cute star shaped fairy lights are hung up on the walls.
"What the..." I look around
"No freaking out." She says
"I'm not freaking out I'm just mildly confused." I say
"That's normal." She says
"Ok, ideas. What do we have?" I say sitting down in a chair
"Uh, astronomy." She says, "We could do something with stars."
"Why am I not surprised you want to do it on stars?" I ask jokingly, "I don't really have any other ideas so that's out best option."
"We could do something like this." She says, in her hand an orb cover in stars appears. She slides her fingers on it revealing more constellations.
"Woah." I say, "That works, now we just need to write something."
"The Ursa Major has nineteen stars, seven of which make the big dipper." She says pointing to the Big Dipper in the constellation, "Bordering constellations are Draco, Camelopardalis, Lynx, Leo, and Leo Minor." We talk some more about stars, then we just talked.
"It's getting dark." I say looking out her window
"Here, come with me." She says extending her hand
"Where are we going?" I ask
"Do you trust me?" She asks, I nod and place my hand in hers. She climbs through the window and lands on a mini balcony. After I get out she starts climbing up to the roof using a tree as a ladder. I make my way up after her, I look around and see a door.
"Are there stairs?" I ask motioning to the door
"Yeah, but my friends are hanging out in the living room." She says, "Look at the stars." I look up and see some stars appearing in the sky.
"I see why you like the stars so much." I say
"They sky is peaceful." She says, "The stars are pretty, and the moon is amazing." We sit, stargazing for a while. I don't know what washes over me, maybe how the light makes her eyes glow or something but I lean over and kiss her. To my surprise, she kisses back.

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