Part 15

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Ari: *Gasp* What's gonna happen?!
Alex: Ari you know what happened, you helped write the book.
Ari: I know but I forgot.
Alex: *Sigh* So basically, the readers learn that th-
Callum: I still have know idea what's happening.
Scott: Callum... oh, oh Callum...

-Joey's P.O.V-

We're all sitting around waiting. Ari is in the hospital station with Alex and Jay. Scott and Callum are in Scott's room, Bella and Ovi are in Bella's room, Lizzie and Joel are in Lizzie's room, Shelby is in her room, H, Meg, Will and Oli are working on their synchronization, Stacy is outside talking to some of her animal friends, and Yammy is in her room doing whatever she does with Lauren, I think they're just catching up and talking about their powers. I head outside and beat of some training dummies.
"What did that dummy do to you?" Stacy asks joking, I give her a weak smile
"I'm just worried." I say
"So am I." She says, "Alex went a bit crazy."
"I don't blame her." I say, "I would've too."
"But you are chaos," Stacy says (ha, Stacysays, ok, I'll go), "She's Alex."
"Well Alex went a tiny bit crazy." I say, "It's like Scott when he's mad."
"Yeah, ok." She says, "I can't stop thinking about what she said."
"Which time, the time she counted back from three, the time she said something about her demons or literally everything else she's said?" I ask
"All of the above." Stacy says, "Ari and Alex care about each other a lot."
"Yeah, it's really cute." I say
"I wonder how they got that close in the first place." She says
"Maybe because they've both saved each other from dying." I say
"What? How'd you figure that out?" Stacy asks confused
"They constantly say to each other, 'Because of you I'm alive.' so I sorta figured." I say
"That makes sense." She says
"Guy!" Meghan says running out to us, "Alex is awake!" The three of us rush inside

-Stacy's P.O.V-

"Jesse." She says urgently, "Jesse, where's Jesse?"
"He's right there." Bella says pointing to the bed next to hers
"Jesse." She looks at him, she walks over to him slowly because she keeps loosing her balance, "How bad is he hurt?" Ovi pulls down some of the sheets revealing a bandage wrapped around his stomach. She stands back up then almost falls over.
"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask
"Yeah, how's Callum's arm?" She asks
"Just as bad as it was before." Callum says walking into the room
"Can I see it?" She asks, Callum uses his left arm to put his right one on the table, "Does it hurt right now?"
"Only a little bit." He says
"While you're here we should wash that." Ovi says grabbing a warm towel. As she cleans it, Callum squeezes Scott's hand tightly. After she's done he lets go.
"There's no need to break my hand." Scott says jokingly
"Sorry." He says, Alex looks at it from all different angles.
"This might hurt a tiny bit." She says, she holds her hand over it and closes her eyes. From his facial expression, a little is an understatement. She open her eyes, the spot gets smaller, "Meg, H, Will, Oli, come here." They walk over, she tells them to do what she just did, it gets smaller. One by one we hold out hands over the spot, soon it's the size of a button. Scott is the last person. He does what the rest of us did, but nothing happened.
"What?" He asks confused
"Uh, this is a predicament." Bella says, Alex takes Scott's hand on top of the spot, Callum flinches. She whispers something with her eyes closed.
"Kiss." She says opening her eyes
"What?" They ask in unison
"Kiss." She says again, they lean forward and kiss each other, "Ok, one, you guys are one of my favorite otps, two, Scott, move your hand." Scott does as he's told. The spot is completely gone.
"Ayeee, you did it." Callum says, "Thank you, that hurt." He slips his hands into his pockets. Alex looks over at Jay.
"Is he gonna be alright?" She asks
"We don't know, we just have to wait." Ovi says
"Ok, I should get some sleep." Alex says laying down in her bed, we all file out of the station.

-Alex's Dream in Jay's P.O.V- (does that make sense? I feel like it doesn't)

"I follow a doctor into a completely wire room.
"Tell is what happened again." The doctor says
"We got mugged." I lie, "They said if we didn't give them our money they would hurt up. We didn't have any money on us but they didn't believe it."
"Ok." The doctor says, I don't know if he believes me, "Some of these cuts a really deep."
"Will she be ok?" I ask
"Only time will tell." He says, "There are a couple places we might have to give her stitches." I bite my lip
"I don't think we'll be able to afford that." I say
"Where are your parents kid?" He asks
"They're at our house." I say trying to come up with another lie, "My dad just lost his job and my mom died." He believes me
"We'll talk about finances later." He says, "She needs theses now."
I wait for a while. After they're done, I'm allowed to see her. I walk into her room, she has bandages over almost all her cuts, she also has an IV in her arm.
"Miss, you can't go in there, family only." A doctor says outside, I assume Ari is trying to get in
"Please, that's my girlfriend." She says, I walk out of the room
"It's ok," I say, "She's almost family." The doctor hesitantly lets her in
"Alex." She says rushing over to the side of her bed, we sit there listening to the monitor for what seems like forever. Her eyes flutter open, I look at the clock, it was really late.
"Alex." I say quietly
"Jesse." She says hugging me
"Alex!" Ari says rushing to her side, "Don't scare me like that." We spend some more time talking before we all get some sleep.

-Oli's P.O.V-

I sit in bed, I hear a quiet humming though the walls which I assume is Ari. She starts singing a song that I don't hear since I'm listening though a wall.
"Because of you I'm alive." Is all I hear, I slowly drift off the sleep.

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