Part 1

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-Callum's P.O.V-

I wake up in a room that doesn't look familiar. I look around and see Scott, Lizzie, Joel, Shelby and Lauren.
"What happened?" Scott asks
"I don't know." Joel says helping Lizzie up
"Hello." Someone says, the walking into the room, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions."
"Hell yeah we do." I say, "Why did you kidnap us?"
"We didn't kidnap you..." Another girl says, "We just took you without permission." I go to argue with her but the other girl holds up her hand telling me to stop
"So why did you take us without permission?" Shelby asks the strangers
"We took you because you are descendants of 'The Spirits,' and you have inherited their power." The girl with long black hair says, "By the way, I'm Olivia, I prefer Ovi."
"And I'm Bella." The girl with very short blonde hair says, "We already know your names so we'll skip that."
"Wait, 'The Spirits?' What's that?" Lizzie asks
"Well, technically they're called Earth's guardians but you guys are the descendants of the ones that protected England." Bella says
"So what can we do?" I ask
"The first thing you'll learn how to do is fight. You can't rely on power itself." Ovi says, "Ok, Scott and Callum, Lizzie and Joel, and Shelby and Lauren, follow us." We walk down a hallway into a giant training room.
"Wait, what if we don't want to protect England?" Shelby asks, "Lauren and I don't even live here."
"Then all of England is doomed." Bella says
"Oh." Shelby says
"Now, get into groups of two. We're gonna spar." Ovi says, we get into the groups Ovi gave us earlier
"Now, spar for a little, then we'll see what you can do." Bella says, Scott and I face each other
"I guess we have to fight now." I say
"You don't have to fight, you have to spar. You win the match if you pin the other person down of if one of you surrenders." Ovi says, I turn to Scott, neither of us know what to do.
"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Bella says
"Why don't we just give them their charms now, it's not like they know how to control them." Ovi suggests
"We don't really have any other options." Bella says, "Ok, everyone, come here." We all walk over to them. Ovi hands us each a box, I open mine to find a note:

You are now the element of earth, you can control the ground. Sounds lame? Don't worry, it's not.

I finish reading the note and also find a charm, as soon as I touch it, it floats out of the box and starts to glow. I cup my hands around it and it falls limply into my hands. When I uncup my hands, there's no charm, it's gone.
"Don't worry, that's normal." Bella says "Now, Callum and Scott, spar for us."

-Scott's P.O.V-

I'm the element of air? That sounds sorta boring. I stand facing Callum, what's the difference between sparing and fighting? I start to get nervous, Callum is just standing there calmly, Ovi blows a whistle. Callum mouths, sorry, then starts running at me. It looks like he's gonna run and hit me, but I move to side last minute. How did I do that? Before I can think about, I dart to the other side of the circle, I move faster than I ever have. Callum looks at me in shock, the ground starts to shake. Before I know it, I lose my balance and fall making me vulnerable. Callum runs over and pins me down, he won. Ovi blows the whistle again.
"That was barely a spar, I just ran and fell over." I say
"That doesn't matter, we aren't gonna make you punch each other unless you choose to." Bella says, "Next, Lizzie and Joel." They both walk nervously into the circle.

-Lizzie P.O.V-

I am the element of fire. Joel is the element of water. He has the advantage but I don't think he can shoot me with a beam of fire. Ovi blows the whistle. Joel and I make eye contact and walk around each other, eventually, he runs at me, not knowing what to do, I run away. Before I can think, I quickly spin around to face him, he trips and falls from stopping too fast. I quickly pin him down. Ovi blows the whistle. I won. I was not expecting that.
"Lastly, Shelby and Lauren." Bella says

-Shelby's P.O.V-

I walk into the circle, I'm the element of light and Lauren is the element of darkness it's an even match. Ovi blows the whistle. Lauren and I look at each other. I calmly walk towards her hoping to throw her off guard. She looks around and spots a shadow, she slowly melts into it. I look around to see a shadow moving around, it's about to pounce on me. Before it hits me, a couple beams of light attack it and push it to the ground. Lauren slowly emerges from a shadow across the room.

-Lauren's P.O.V-

I look around and see another shadow I can melt into. Shelby sends a beam of light towards me. I try to "outrun" it but it doesn't work. I hits the shadow twice, the first one knocks me out of it and the other pins me down. A whistle blows. Shelby walks over and helps me up. "That was good for your first time." Bella says
"But we still have a lot of work to do." Ovi says, "The glowing orbs will show you to your rooms." Six glowing orbs appear, one purple, one pink, one orange, one teal, one green and one yellow one. I follow the purple one down the hall, it leads me to a room that looks like it should be dark since there's no lights and the shades are closed but the room is just as bright as one with lights.

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