Part 10

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-Callum's P.O.V-

I wake up to my arm screaming in pain. I look at it expecting to see what it looked like after I went to Ovi, but instead it looked worse. It had become more purple and it was bigger. I could feel my shoulder becoming numb.
"Scott." I say
"Yeah?" He asks half asleep
"I'm gonna go see Ovi, I'll be back." I tell him, I walk down the hall to Ovi's room.
"Come in." She says before I even know, "On second thought, just meet me at the hospital station." I walk down the hall to the hospital station.
"Hey." I say as Ovi walks in
"Hey." She says, "What's wro- oh." She looks at my arm. I have to use my other are to lift my arm onto the table. She starts to clean it. I grab the arm of the chair and squeeze it to keep me from jerking away.
"Ahh..." I let out a small scream that could barely be heard
"Sorry." She apologizes, she doesn't bandage it this time since it just ate though the bandage. She examines the wound and looks perplexed.
"Phantom's rays don't do this." She says, "They just make a huge gash in your skin."
"How do you know that?" I ask realizing it was a stupid question, she grabs a damp wash cloth and traces a line down her face. As she does, a giant scar appears, it starts at her forehead and runs down to her neck. My arm starts to hurt again. I let out another small, scream that I could barely hear. Everything goes black.

-Scott's P.O.V-

I sit in silence in the hospital station. Callum was laying on one of the beds, unconscious. I just sit there listening to the monitor. Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. I can't talk it anymore, I walk out of the room. I flop down on my bed. Why? Why did all of this have to happen? I get up and punch the wall. It didn't do much to the wall, but it helped a little.

-Meg's P.O.V-

We continue our training. Ovi, Scott and Callum don't come. I learn how to use my powers and to work with Will, H and Oli. Everything is happening so fast. I have an orb that wakes me up. It's also a phone and I can play games on it. Bella tells me how I'm the descendant of one of the Fallen Forms, Madam Berry. I couldn't help but laugh at the name at first but then it started to make sense. Oli and H's forms are pandas, Will's is a Jaguar and mine is a panther. Shelby and Lauren work together a lot since they have similar tactics, Lizzie and Joel have gotten good at combining their elements, and Joey and Yammy are working on being more aggressive. From what I've heard, Scott can go a little out of control when he's mad, I make a mental note not to upset him or Callum since their dating.

-Oli's P.O.V-

We're in the middle of training when there's a knock on the door.
"I thought people couldn't see this place." H says
"They can't." Bella says
"I'll go get it." Will offers, Bella nods. He comes back with four people.
"Stacy?" Almost everyone says in unison
"Ok, I am not gonna say all of your names in shock." Stacy says making us laugh
"Hey, so, why are we here?" One of the strangers asks
"You four are guardians." Bella says, "The last four guardians." She hands them each their box
"I'm a what?" Stacy asks still confused
"You're a guardian. Most guardians have elements, but I wouldn't really call yours an element. Just something you can control." Bella says
"Animals?" She asks
"Yup, you also don't have a fixed form, you animal changes." Bella says
"This is so cool!" One of the strangers says, "I have powers!"
"Can we do introductions?" I ask very confused
"I'm Jesse, but you can call me Jay, she's my sister Alex." The boy says
"And I'm Ari." The other girl says
"H, Meg, Oli, Shelby, Yammy, Lizzie, Lauren, Joey, Will, Joel, and we have two more upstairs." Bella says, "I'm Bella and Ovi is also upstairs." She sends an orb upstairs telling Ovi more guardians are here.
"So what are your elements?" I ask Ari, Alex and Jay
"I'm power." Jay says
"I'm strategy." Alex tells us
"And I'm balance." Ari says
"What?" I ask confused
"Jay is power, in other words, he can punch hard. Alex is strategy, instead of rushing into a fight she'll be strategic and make sacrifices if necessary. Lastly, Ari is balance. With a balance of power and strategy, Ari would be good in a fist fight, but her magical abilities are the weakest." Bella says

-Callum's P.O.V-

I wake up to see Scott sitting in a chair in silence. My arm starts to hurt again.
"Callum!" He rushes over and hugs me, I give him a weak one arm hug back, "Oh my god, don't do that to me."
"I don't think I can control weather or not I pass out but ok." I say
"Oh, also, we figured out cloth bandages don't get disintegrated or whatever when we put them on the whatever you call that." Scott says talking about whatever the heck is happening with my arm, "More guardians came."
"Really? Who?" I ask
"Well there's Liam, Will, Meghan and Oli, but you already knew they came." He says, "Then there's Stacy, Alex, Jay and Ari."
"Lemme guess, Stacy does something with animals." I say
"Yup." He says, "Do think Ovi will let you go downstairs?"
"He can if he wants." Ovi says from the doorway. We slide down the railing next to the stairs.
"Callum! Scott!" Stacy's voice calls
"Stacy, we're in the same room as you." I say jokingly
"I know but this room is huge." She says, "What happened to your arm?"
"Phantom." I say
"Hey, we're here too." A voice says from the couch, "Jay."
"Callum." I say
"I'm Ari and that's Alex." One of the girls says
"Ok guys, everyone outside, we're gonna train the newbies." Bella says, we all walk outside and stand in a circle around Stacy, Jay, Ari and Alex.

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