Chapter 2- Making new freinds...

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Heyy guys!! Chapter 2!! ENJOY!! <3

Chapter 2

Liam 's P.O.V

After we all had our lunch Sumzi was listening to her ipod. I could easily tell she was a MASSIVE directioner which was cool with me. She looked so cute when she bopped her head and danced arround like mad. Wait what did I just say?! I went up to her and tapped her back. "WOAH. YOU SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME !" She giggled. I laughed. "Wanna hang out with me, Jessie and Frank later?" I asked a little nervous. A sweet smiled spread across her face. "Love too!" She beamed. "Come on!" I smiled taking her hand. She smiled and followed me. I took her into the living room where Jessie and Frank was hanging out. Rick was on the computer. "Heyy." Smiled Sumzi. "HI!!" Frank and Jessie smiled back. "I'm Jessie by the way!" Laughed Jessie. She's only been in care for like 3 months but me and Frank loved her to bits!! "Helo!" Smiled Sumzi sitting next to Jessie.

Sumzi's P.O.V

Liam, Frank and Jessie were all very nice!!...and realy mischivous like me!! Suddenly my Blackberry buzzed. I took it out and it said 'One text from: Ashaxx' I smiled and opened it. It said:

**Text convo**

Heyy Babes!! So how you fitting into you'r new carehome? If they give you a tough time give me or Ceris a ring and we'll beat the crap out them all!!!

I laughed and replied:

Heyy!! No need man Their REALY nice!! Made three awsome freinds!! <3

She replied back:

Awww that OK then!! <3..Missin u barezz man!! =[ xx....When can u cum round mine?

My expression went from happy to sad. I missed Ceris and Asha. They were'nt in care like me but they understood and no matter how many time I moved we always kept in touch, I loved them to bits!! I finally replied back saying:

I dunno hun!! I'll ask Mike (My head care worker) to arrange it...hopefully by the end of this week or next week??

She replied saying:

YEAH thats fine babe!! As long as I can see you!! <3 Ok I gotta go school now!! ugh =[ xx...Byee Ceris said she loves you!!

I smiled and replied saying:

Byee!!! Tell her I love her too!!

**End tex convo**

I put my phone back into my pocket and started talking to Jessie about what band we liked. We both shouted "ONE DIRECTION!!" and started laughing. " you fany anyone from one direction then?" I smirked wriggling my eye brows at her. This made Liam and Frank laugh. Jessie blushed and whacked me playfully. "Louis!" She whispered in my ear shyly. I smirked. "Awww. You two would make a great couple!!" I laugh. Liam and Frank laughed. "Louis and Jessie sitting i the tree" Liam started. But he did'nt say it out realy loud. Jessie glared and whacked him. "Ok oK" Said Liam struggling to breathe. Man these guys were so funny and amayzing! And just like that us four were inseprable. We did everything together!! Jessie was closest  to me though...I felt comfortable telling anything and everything. I hope it stays like this...

I know!! its a little rubbish at the moment but I'll try making the other chappies better <3 Vote comment and fan!!

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