"Okay." I looked at him. "I'll try my best to ace you."

Murad looked at me and then focused on my face. He slowly did a once over making me slightly blush as his serious eyes didn't break with mine once we looked at each other. As soon as I blush Murad sighed loudly in disappointment. "You look like a clown with all that blush on."

My face fell.

He quickly licked his thumb and swiped it near the corner of my left eye smudging my liner.

I gasped and glared at him. "Murad you ruined my makeup."

He turned to the road. "It was annoying me."

I punched his arm quickly regretting that as my hand started throbbing. "Well you don't get to decided."

Murad shrugged. "At least I'm helping you pick your makeup."

"If it was for you, I'd wear nothing." I bit back.

Murad smirked and side eyed me before returning to the road. "Well, not nothing.." He trailed and he scratched the back of his head fluffing up his dark hair.

It took me some time to realize what he meant. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. This was new. "MURAD!" I screamed.


I ran upstairs and hopped in the shower. Today was so hot and we had PE so I definitely did stink.

Murad was downstairs fighting with Karan with my mom in the backyard watering her garden.

I quickly showered since I had so much homework and had to tutor Murad. I blow dried my hair and changed from school clothing to loose sweats and a large sweater.

When I walked downstairs I expected to see Murad trying to study but instead he was still playing video games with Karan.

"Murad." I called out to him. "You forgot your studying."

"Hold up." He waved as if he was shooing me away.

"Hurry up!" I came closer to him and put my hands on my hips. "If you continue this I'm not helping you."

"Okay." He chuckled. "Honestly I just came to kick Karan's ass."

I got so furious that I grabbed the decor magazine off the coffee table next to them and rolled it up. I quickly started hitting Murad with it on his head and back.

Murad was alarmed at my attack he covered his head but I kept swatting him. "Let's go."

He got up. "Okay okay." He pleaded and I stopped. He then grabbed his backpack and followed me to the table.


After two hours of serious studying and a banging headache from Murad who wasn't really paying attention to the things I've been teaching him.

Murad closed the large threatening chem book. "I'm tired. I can't focus." He rubbed his temples.

I sighed and looked around realizing it was almost sundown. "Well I hope you at least got some stuff. We can work more on it tomorrow."

"Are you hungry?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Kind of. I think we have some pizza from yesterday. Karan bought it but I haven't eaten." I say as I close my laptop and head to the kitchen. "Would you want any?" I called over.

Murad jogged to the kitchen taking a look into the fridge and completely blocking my view. His height and broad shoulders completely diminished our decent fridge.

"Where the pizza?" He turned to look at me.

"Maybe," i glared at him. "if you moved I'd see where it is."

He rolled his pretty colored eyes and moved out of the way. He grabbed two water bottles as I grabbed the refrigerated cheese pizza and heated it.

"Let's go outside." I said as I balanced everything in my hand. The garden was really pretty during sundown and the heat outside cooled.

"So the bugs can eat with us?" Murad groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"We'll set up the table." I said before walking out to the backyard.


We sat eating and watching Karan's white chubby bunny, Nona, jump around the tall flowers.

I turned to look at Murad briefly before he caught me staring at him. I noticed how tired he'd been today. "Are you feeling better?"

Murad stopped chewing and looked at me. He put his pizza down and swallowed. "I wish you didn't worry so much." He sighed, ignoring my gaze.

"I can't help but notice how dark you eyes have gotten. It scares me Murad." I blurted completely forgetting that I maybe opened up too much.

Murads eyes flickered to mine. The setting sunset light carved more of his sculpted face out. His eyes were the only thing that were still bright. "I scare you?" He asked as his eyes bore into mine.

I put the greasy pizza down. "You don't scare me. What's happening to you does." I sighed and looked away from his demanding eyes. "I know you haven't been eating or sleeping."

After a long silence Murad spoke up. "I'm eating now." He looked at me. "You shouldn't worry about me."

I just hope you don't drive yourself to the edge.

"Okay." I took a sip of water already feeling full. I started picking up the plates when Murad spoke up.

"Being around you and Karan makes me feel better." He then added. "I'm going to be fine."

I turned to look at him. "Well I hope so! If you need anything let us know!" I flicked his forehead. "I can't imagine life without your ugly face." I laughed, suddenly the air cleared and it wasn't so serious anymore.

Murad frowned and rubbed his forehead. "You're so immature." He got up and grabbed the plates from me. "Gimme that."

Murad went hope right after we cleaned and that night I felt happiness around me. Murads careful but comforting words kept dancing in my head. He wouldn't stop popping into my head until I finally drifted off to sleep.

Not knowing shit was about to hit the fan.

Hey guys! Here's another update! I hope you enjoyed it.

What do you think of Ahmed's motives?

What will happen next! Haha.

Thank you to all of you who still read and support the book. If you liked this chapter please remember to vote! Thank you!! ❤️

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