chapter 7

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This might be a little on the short side, but hopefully the next one would be longer.

I sigh and lean on the door jamb to wait for him.With his long legs it takes just a few strides to reach me. We walked in silence for a while before I finally spoke up " she's right you know, I mean they seem to be more in your league than me".

He suddenly stopped and pulled my arm so I was forced to stop too. I looked at him and he had a frown on his face " what the hell are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes " oh come on, you're beautiful enough to be their friend, well maybe not if you continue to be seen with me because you heard them, they don't associate with the underdogs, and you're probably going to be popular whether you like it or not".

He started smirking " so you think I'm beautiful?" Then he frowned again " but what is this nonsense about you being being an underdog? And them being beautiful, does that imply that you're not? Because you are."

I just scoffed and looked the other way. He gently moved my face towards him again. My heartrate took off and I felt tingles run through my skin. I realised this is the first time he is touching my bare skin, my breath seems to be caught in my throat. He raises an eyebrow " are you just fishing for compliment? Because that the only way I'll believe you don't know how you look."  He sighed and looking me in the eyes said " you're beautiful. More so because yours is inside as well as out."

I just shrugged and looked down again. He was fully frowning now, " you think I'm lying?" I guess I must have looked disbelieving.  I just smiled " I don't think you're lying Ethan, I just don't think you really mean that ".

He was starting to look pissed " I never say what I don't mean."  I can't seem to stop literary  stepping on toes. So I  turned to him and explained "I don't mean to offend you. It's not that you're not a man of your words, it's more like I just don't see it. You say I'm beautiful, but it's kinda hard to believe you when I know that I'm pretty much average. "

He had an incredulous look on his face.  He was about to say something when the bell rang. "Shoot we're late again. This is not good." He narrowed his eyes at me, " don't believe I didn't notice that bit so subtle subject change"

I just rolled my eyes at him  " come on we're already late. You're lucky it's your first factor we might have gotten detention ". He looked amused at that and u said " what? I might not be the best student but being on detention every time would kinda defeat the whole laying low scheme ". He just laughed and said alright, but my stomach seem to have suddenly turned into a butterfly zoo at the sound of his laughter.

His talking tone is captivating, but his laughter is just down right sinful.  He makes me want to do  silly things just to keep hearing that laugh and that is so unlike me that it's making me a bit wary. I react to this guy like I haven't reacted to anyone in my life and considering I barely know anything about him, these feelings are scaring me.

He had taken a few steps when he realised I wasn't beside him, he turned to me " you coming? "I have him a small smile and started forward, then we both made our way to the class.

Second and third period seemed to fly by and before we knew it, it was time for  lunch. We made our way to the cafeteria. We were in line to get food when I turned to him " I would understand if you want to go sit with Jacinth and her friends, I won'tbe mad or anything." He just rolled his eyes " Ariella I'm beginning to suspect that you're the one who is ashamed of me. You claim that I would, but you're the one who keeps pushing me away". He shrugged and felt bad to see that he was wearing that blank expression he had on the first time we met. I guess I really hurt his feelings.

I sighed " I'M sorry. I'm not trying to push you away, I just thoughtyou might want to sit with them and maybe didn't want to say so you don't hurt my feelings or something . So I'm sorry. Come on let's go and sit down. "

We were almost to the table I saw Camilla sitting  at with Sean and a few other people when Jacinth and her cronies intercepted us. School is usually so boring that at the hint of any drama everyone just perks up and comes to attention.  Just the sight of Jacinth blocking us, the cafeteria was already quieting and I had a truck load of the the one thing I hate 'attention '. This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

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