"Now place your broom on the ground beside you standing with your hand directly above it and speak the word 'up' with determination and confidence."

I looked over at Sirius as she said the last lines and murmured, "How the hell are we supposed to speak with determination?"

To which he smirked and said, "Like this," He lifted his hand above broom, "Up." And the broomed flew up into his hand. Beside me, James' broom flew into his hand as well.

Feeling I would shortly be embarrassed, I gathered up the most confidence I could and spoke clearly, "Up!" And was astounded to see that mine too flew up into my hand!

"I did it, I did it!" I said with glee looking over at James, who smiled toothily and said,

"Told you so!"

A short distance away, Remus was struggling a bit, but after a few attempts, his too soared up into his hand and I sent him a thumbs-up.

Lily was not doing quite so well, becoming both frustrated and flustered, she was yelling 'UP!' at the broom, which only responded by rolling around on the ground. 

By the end of the lesson, I had managed to fly a couple of centimetres over the ground, though I almost fell off one time.

Walking up towards the castle, I felt elevated by the success of today's lesson and felt my mouth water at the thought of dinner.

"You know what, Ollie?" I looked over at Sirius who had walked a bit faster to walk alongside me. I noticed Lily slowed down a bit to walk with Septima, both of them looking expectantly at me.

"Joules per second?" I said, laughing at my own joke.

"What?" Responded Sirius, and I laughed a bit more, thinking how strange it was that the wizarding world was so oblivious to muggle sciences.

"Precisely." I said.

"I don't get it," He said, his brows furrowed, "Anyway. I think you'll make an excellent Quidditch player. I mean you already managed so well with the broom today, you'll become great in no time!"

I blushed, not expecting the flattery and said, "Thanks. It was quite fun."

He smiled at me then grabbed my arm and started running up the hill, dragging me behind him and laughing, "I'm so hungry and you were walking so slowly!"

I laughed back and ran faster, both of us trying to knock the other into other people on their way up.

We rushed into the Great Hall and sat down by the Gryffindor. I noticed he still held my wrist, but when he saw me looking, he let go of me and picked up a serving spoon, scooping almost everything onto his plate, then onto mine.

Just as we started shovelling down the food, the rest of the Gryffindor first years arrived and sat around us, starting to help themselves to food as well. I beamed at Septima, who beamed back at me. 

Remus came in last, and was the only one who didn't look happy. It wasn't time for his transformation again, so I couldn't think why he would look so glum. When he caught me looking at him, however, he grinned at me, sat down opposite me and started picking out food. He didn't eat much before he declared he was going back to the dormitories. I had already finished eating so I stood up to go with him, wanting to talk to him. Sirius looked as though he too was about to get up when James started to talk to him about his aspirations to become 'the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen'.

"You okay?" I asked Remus as we passed through the large doors into the quieter hallway and made our way over to the staircase.

"Yeah," He replied, "I'm just tired."

I looked at him sceptically, "You can talk to me."

He looked at me then let out a deep sigh, and was about to start talking to me when a bunch of Ravenclaw girls walked right up to us, silencing him.

"Hi." I said awkwardly, I remembered them from our first day here when we had all been sorted.

"Hi," Said the one at the front who seemed to be the leader of the gang, some of the girls behind her were giggling. These were some of the people that had teased me and Remus for being together. "We just wanted to know if you and Sirius were, you know, together."

At this, she too started to giggle and looked at the others, then back at me.

"Uhm. No." I replied, blushing, "Why?"

She giggled, "Well no reason, it just means he's single, right!"

I looked at Remus confused as the girls wandered into the Great Hall, saying hi to Sirius before they sat down at their table.

"How weird was that?" I asked feeling bewildered.

"Mega weird." He answered, looking kind of glum again, and as we began walking again, I could feel that the window of asking him why had now been closed, he didn't want to talk.

I, too, felt a bit disappointed. All of those girls were very pretty, and I had told them that nothing was going on between Sirius and I. I guess that window had been closed now too.



Guess what?

This story is ranked #3 in all #maraudersera stories!


I know this chapter was kind of messy with the time skips, but I really want to get on with the next major event in the story line! It's soon the summer holiday, and unless I get an oral exam (only 20% chance) I basically have no more education for the term and can write more.

Love y'all,


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