I Love You, Nat

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Chapter 11
- I Love You, Nat -

Natasha then walked to the kitchen set and try to figure out how to cook this chicken soup for Steve since she is the Black Widow and she was only trained to kill peoples and it's not like they also gave education about cooking.

Natasha first thought that cooking was unecessary to be learned by her since she thinks that she will not have a kid after all so she could just ask for food delivery but well, she couldn't predict the future, she should've taken cooking lessons when she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. so she won't be confused as hell to cook this chicken soup.

Natasha then opened this google page about how to cook a chicken soup. At first, she put mineral water on a pan and try to boil it but bam it got too hot and the water splashed everywhere and she had no idea how to turn it off, she got panicked.

Steve laughed quitely watching Natasha walking around panickly not knowing how to turn off the stove and the water has gotten too hot and her skin might burn if she got closer and turn if off slowly, she need to do it quick so Steve tried to stand up and walked to her but he tripped then Natasha quickly caught his waist and help him stand. His right arm is on her shoulder with her left arm holding his waist and her right arm holding his arm that is around her shoulder.

"I told you to stay in bed Rogers." She said demanding.

"How could I when you could burnt a water." Steve said with a little laugh.

"Uh you, it's my first try, mistakes happen, just uh here I'll help you to walk back to the bed." She said.

"No, let me help you." Steve replied demanding her.

"Uh fine." She said helpless since she really needed his help and Steve smiled.

Natasha helped him to walk to the kitchen set and she told him to stay still for a while. "Here hold the fridge to stand, I'll get the chair." Natasha said and his hand rests on the fridge.

Natasha then took the wooden chair near the kitchen set so Steve could sit there and help her cook, she helped him walk to the wooden chair, he sit down and Natasha is still confused about this boiling water thingy.

"Uh move away a bit Nat." Steve said and he put all of his strengh to stood up, walk and turn off the stop quickly and then sit down.

"Thanks Steve." She said walking closely.

"Just uh wait for 30 minutes okay? The water is too hot." Steve said and she nooded.

"So what do I need to do Cap?" She asked.

"You could start by washing those ingridients." Steve said and she nooded.

Natasha is making a simple chicken soup that has not too many ingridients, she took the chicken, carrots, celery and large onion to be washed. "Dang these things are slippery." She said angrily.

Steve then walked slowly to her and put hisbhead on her shoulders with his hand holding her waist, he leaned on her body because he didn't have enough energy to stand up.

He could feel Natasha was surprised. "Uh Rogers, what the hell?" She said as she shrugged her shoulders a bit.

"Sorry I need to lean on your body, I don't have enough energy to stand up." Steve replied. "So..sorry if .. if.. it ma.. it made you uncomfortable." He said again nervously.

"What? It's okay as long as we could finally eat." Natasha said with a little laugh and Steve laughed too.

"And uh Steve, don't get to comfortable, use your little energy to stand a bit, you do know your body is heavy right?" Natasha said again.

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