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Abeedah's POV,
I couldn't sleep all night and kept performing Namaaz from time to time. The incident kept repeating in my head. How could he do that to me? Everytime I closed my eyes his face flashed thorough and made me feel uneasy. It might seem like a small thing but being the hijab that protects a girl, pulled by a man is like pulling off her clothes and leaving her naked.

Also, I hit him. The anger on his face was clear. Ya Allah! Wouldn't he try to get back at me? He would want revenge now. May Allah protect us.

I went to bank before time and waited for the manager to come.

"Oh.... Miss Sharif? Your early? Where did the sun rise from today?" He joked but I was in no mood for that.

"Sir I don't want to handle Rayaan Khan's account anymore. Please find someone else for the job" I said directly coming to the point.

He looked at me surprised.
"Why all of sudden? Did something happen?"

I looked away blinking back my tears.
I guess he noticed as he asked me to sit and talk.
"Tell me what happened?"

"He called me for dinner at his restaurant last night and.... misbehaved with me." My voice broke as I said that.

"Oh God. I'm soo sorry. I shouldn't have sent you to him the 1st place. I had my suspicions when he asked for you all of a sudden. Don't worry I won't make you work for him ever again.....Do you want the day off today?" He said.

I shook my head. "No. I'm fine. I need to work to keep my mind busy." I said. "And sir.... You can cut the hike in my salary that I was getting."

He smiled. "How modest! Now I wouldn't do that. You've earned it by always working hard for this bank. Keep it up hmm. Don't let anything like that bother you."

"Thank you sir." I smiled and left his cabin. I had a sense of relief now but still there was this uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Rayaan's POV,
Now Miss Sharif has only 1 weakness. Her dear brother Matin. Now how should I manipulate this pawn on my chessboard?
I lifted my chess piece in my hand as I sipped my whiskey.

I went through all his information. He's currently in first year of KJ Somaiya Medical college. Where also the current MLA's son studies. Poor Matin is usually bullied and harrased by him and his friends. That's my next pawn.
I push the chess piece out of the chess board.

I lifted the queen up.
"Abeedah Sharif..... I will make you mine."

Abeedah's POV,
It's been weeks now and I've totally erased all the bad memories from my head. Today is Matin's final paper for his 1st semester and to be honest I'm really nervous. He has studied really hard and I know that Allah will give him the fruits of his hard work.
I removed Sadaqah in the name of Allah for his exams. I hope his paper goes well.

I came back but he still wasn't home. I checked the time and there was still half an hour left. I sat back and started praying for him.

After exactly half an hour my phone rang.
"Assalamualaikum...." I said. "So how did it go?"

"Didi....." He sounded upset.

"What? Was it that tough? Huh? Tell me? It's ok if it was.... don't worry, no need to be sad." I said worried.

He then started laughing.


"Relax Didi, Alhumdulillah the paper was great!!! I think I'm going to top the class." He said cheerfully.

Slave To The Beast (Sample)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن