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I contemplated suicide when my alarm clock woke me up by blasting One Direction in my ear.

With a groan, I rolled over, squinting from the bright Tennessee sunshine peeking through my window.

I need to invest in some damn blackout curtains.

"Maddie! Are you awake?" my mom calls from outside my door, only pissing me off further.

"Yes." I replied, without lifting my head from the pillow.

I'm not a morning person.

Mom continues down the hallway to knock on my brother's door. Dylan, of course, isn't awake.

He's the laziest person I've ever met in my life.

It surprises me that he's made it this far in high school since his grades are detrimental. I'd be embarrassed if I were him, but for some reason, he treats school like a complete joke. And he has no shame either.

I got myself ready for school somewhat quickly, even though it took me a while to find a shirt.

I was supposed to do a load of laundry last night, but I fell asleep studying for a calculus quiz. So my options were limited right now.

When I made my way downstairs, I was taken off guard by Dylan magically sitting in the kitchen.

"Took you long enough." he muttered, taking a long sip of his Red Bull.

"We're still on time." I fired back.

He stood up and grabbed his keys, half shoving me to the side as he made his way to the door.

We don't get along. At all. And we never have.

Dylan's always been this weirdly angry person, especially towards me. It doesn't really bother me though. His personality fluctuates concerningly fast — he's either about to piss out of his eyes, or he's being a complete fucking dumbass.

He's a 6'3 soccer god, so he doesn't really have to worry or fret about anything. People automatically like him for just breathing.

People forget that I'm related to him.

I'm 5'9 and lankier than a damn beanstalk. And unlike Dylan, I have two friends at school.
2 friends and only 2 friends.

I shoved him back, but he didn't move an inch.

"Pathetic." he glared at me.

I started to argue with him out of instinct, but Mom interrupted me before I could.

"You two need to leave. You're gonna be late." she informed us, while drinking her morning coffee.

"Bye Mom." I said before grabbing my bag and running out the door towards my brother's car.

I was supposed to be getting a car very soon for my sixteenth birthday, but I had to endure a few more weeks of riding to school with Dylan unfortunately.

It was always a torturous, near-death experience since he's always on his phone and blasting music so loud that your ears feel like they're bleeding.

We made it to school in 7 minutes, even though it's a solid 12 minute drive from our house.

Josh and Anna greeted me in the parking lot like they usually do. (They're the 2 friends I have.)

We've been close for as long as I can remember and we only really associate with each other. Some think we're exclusive, and maybe they're right — but we really don't like anyone else at all.

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