Chapter 2.

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We drove home. And came

Inside the house. We put our bags away and went to the basement to pick a movie on Netflix.

" Your house is really pretty!" Connor said

"Thanks. This is our summer house, we actually live in Sydney. This little town is just a get away." I told him

"So Connor, what type of music do you like?" Luke asked

"Actually I'm a big fan of 5 seconds of summer. I like most music, but I hate country."

" Oh a 5 seconds of summer fan? Would you like to meet the rest of the band, they're coming over to practice tomorrow?"

" oh my gosh are you serious!"

"Yeah I'm serious, you seem like a cool guy to hang out with, why not."

" thank you so much!"


The movie ended. And Connor had to go home.

" you should come sleep over my house? Tomorrow is Saturday so we'll have no worries!" Connor asked me

" I have ice skating practice tomorrow, if you don't Mind taking me?"

" it's cool I can take you."

"Ok thanks, I'll go get packed."

I went to my room and packed. I went down stairs with my bag in my hand. We got in his car and drove to his house. I had to admit, it was way bigger than mine. It had a pool too!

I was really excited when I saw Ricky Dillon in the drive way talking to Jc Caylen. Ricky Dillion was my favorite YouTuber in the entire universe!!! I've seen a lot of his videos.

"OH MY GOSH!!! IS THAT RICKY DILLION?!?" I asked in amazement.

" girl calm yo tits! Yes that is Ricky Dillion, he lives with me and the rest of the o2L. "

At this moment I felt really stupid because I realized that I was sitting in the same car as Connor Franta and was about to go in RICKY DILLON'S house.

There are 6 people in the O2L YouTube channel. There's Ricky, Connor, Kian, Sam, Jc, and Trevor.

It was all coming back to me. I forgot who Connor was but I remembered who Ricky was.

"Oh my god I feel really stupid and excited and amazed at the same time!" I said while leaning my head on the seat, trying to clam my tits like Connor said.

After about 5 minutes of me freaking out in the car. I finally calmed down. We got out of the car and went inside the house.

I saw 3 guys on the couch. I instantly saw Sam staring at me. His cheeks were pinker than usual. I could tell he was attracted to me.

"My room is upstairs to the left." Connor told me

I went to his room with him following me. I opened my bag and realized I left my pajamas.

"Do you mind if I borrow some clothes I forgot mine at home?" I asked nicely. "I think my clothes would be too big for you. The smallest person here is Sam, you can ask him if you want." He replied

" ok thanks" I said while walking down the stairs.

I looked around the house for Sam but couldn't find him. So I took a look in his room. He was sitting on his bed with earphones in. I knocked on the door and he turned around.

"Hey I'm Grace" I said shyly

"I'm Sam." He replied

" I left my pajamas at home and Connor said to ask you for some?"

Without a response He got up and went to his closet. And pulled out a Nirvana shirt. Then went over to his drawer and pulled out some gray sweat pants. I went into his bathroom and changed into his clothes, the shirt was a little big and so was the pants. But they were very comfortable and smelled like him. I came out the bathroom And checked my phone to see the time. It was 1:00 am. I was so tired. I went over to Sam's bed and fell asleep. I woke up about an hour later to use the bathroom.

I got out the bed and immediately feel to the ground. I tripped over something.I heard a groan and turned on the light. There I saw Sam on the floor sleeping. He looked so cute when he was sleeping!

After I went to the bathroom I tried waking up sam.

"Sam...Sam!" I whispered while shaking him awake. He sat up and fluttered his eyes open. " I tripped over you when I got out of bed." I said softly.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to trip you." He said in a raspy voice

"You don't have to sleep on the floor, you can come in the bed with me." I told him.

He put a smirk on his face and got in the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes. Sam took his arms and wrapped them around my waist pulling me closer to him. I put my hands on his arms, hugging them tightly. We both drifted away into the night until morning came.

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