It's Said

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It's said time heals all wounds,
I know that isn't true,
Because after all these years there's still a bruise.

It's said the scars on your heart are merely a symbol of what you've overcome,
But when there's never an end to the battle, you've never really won.

It's said each time you fall down, all you have to do is stand back up,
But it's almost impossible when the thing that tripped you, isn't done.

It's said that you never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only option you have,
But when being strong is the only option, the stress just rips you in half.

It's said it's just attention seeking, when you try to go knocking on Heavens door,
And it's said depression is a cry for help,
But it isn't really, when you know there's no help to cry for.

The last line was inspired by Wentworth Millers, "When I was asked if it was a cry for help, I'd say no. You only cry for help when you beleive there is help to cry for." He's a great person to go to (interviews and such) when your feeling down or alone. His videos are inspiring ❤

Blessed be.

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