Snowflakes pt. 2

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Minho follows Jisung as he drags him to the skating rink down the street, telling Changbin to notify Chan about their location. When the rapidly shrinking figure makes some sort of head motion, Minho's whipped back around and dragged through the streets. He's taking in the snow flurries and the small smile on Jisung's face.

Jisung, Minho's noticed after knowing him for close to three years, is ethereal. Either he's in love with every aspect that Jisung brings to the table or he's just in love with Jisung. Maybe it's the oversized sweaters and ripped jeans, the smooth way he stutters out English, the way he glows when he wears that stupid black beanie with those stupid black jeans and black hoodie (or the fact that even though his dress code is reaching Changbin levels of dark he still looks like a fucking ray of sunshine), maybe it's the fact that Jisung is the most caring person, maybe it's the way Jisung's always chosen to dish out his love and affection towards him (fought for it in actuality).

Minho watches Jisung turn and catch him staring, hitting him lightly and telling him to stop. A small breathy giggle escapes his lips and Minho's ears perk up at the sound, immediately picking up on the small smile and quiet sound and heavily lidded eyes and- Minho's a goner.

When the rink comes into sight, Minho feels Jisung tugging on his hand with a fond smile displayed on his face. They make their way to the counter and Jisung mumbles out a shoe size, nudging Minho to do the same. When he turns around with his ice skates in hand he's met with a sight that makes him melt. Jisung's sitting on the floor, hair askew and tongue poking out cutely as he concentrates on sliding his skates on his feet.

Minho easily slides into his skates while standing up and waits for Jisung to finish lacing up his skates. 'Hyung, no fair! Help me up' 'no.' 'please?' Minho makes his way over to Jisung, hands reaching out to grab his. When Jisung's hands gently grasp his own he tightens his grip and pulls Jisung up, his right hand loosening around Jisung's hand and wrapping around his waist to help stabilize him.

His breath mingles with Jisung's, Jisung's audible gasp being heard as clear as day. Minho's hands make their way to Jisung's hair and fix the stray strands that have fallen in his face before pulling Jisung closer and finally leaning in to peck Jisung's lips.

Jisung sighs, hands wrapping around Minho's neck and pulling Minho down to properly kiss him before Minho's (gently) pushing him away. Jisung laughs and god is Minho hearing angels because Jisung's laugh is literally the greatest sound in the world.

Jisung finally pulls away after three more kisses, opening the door to the rink and stepping out on the freshly polished ice. He immediately begins to skate, darting around the rink like a bullet and all Minho can do is admire the grace Jisung shows when he's in his element. Jisung's eyes are mischievous, a glint flashing across his face before it's gone and Jisung's sidling up next to him sweetly.

Minho's on guard, trying to figure Jisung out, but he doesn't get much time to do so because Jisung's threading their hands together and pulling him onto the ice rink; Minho trying his hardest to resist because god damn it Jisung, I can't fucking skate.

Jisung spins himself around so he's facing Minho, skating backwards as his hands never leave Minho's. He feels himself slip on the ice, which shouldn't even be possible, but Jisung's there to catch him (he was always there, each and every single time Minho slipped). They skate around for almost four hours, Jisung holding Minho tight to keep him from falling, but after hour two Minho had gotten the hang of skating (but he didn't mind the knowing look Jisung gave him when he asked Jisung not to let go).

It's halfway through hour four when they finally get kicked out by the owner because the 24 hour rink was suddenly closed. Minho seethed, it's not like they did anything stupid. Okay, maybe Jisung pushing him to the ground (his ears still burn from the surprised shriek he let out) and tumbling with him on purpose just to get to say they were on thin ice when they kissed and made up wasn't the best or trying to make ice angels in the center of the barren rink before Jisung sprung up (pulling Minho along with him).

Minho was nervous when the owner pulled them into his office, Jisung grabbing Minho's hand out of a nervous habit (and biting his lip cutely, and he should really stop doing that because I can't kiss him in these circumstances ). All nervousness seemed to vanish when a second male came in and lightly smacked the back of the scary man's head.

'Hi, I'm Ryeowook and the one that brought you in here is Yesung.' 'Kim Ryeowook, don't you dare-' 'Yesung here, was just trying to scare you two by closing the rink and dragging you in here.' 'Ryeowook, not another-' 'You see, our rink is 24 hours-' 'Ryeo-' 'But since you're gay he wanted to scare you. He's not going to yell at you, which you probably thought he was.'

Minho and Jisung look at each other, eyes full of confusion. 'Yesung is my boyfriend, we've been together for close to ten years.' 'Wookie, you never let me have any fun...' 'not when you're scaring the living daylights out of these kids'

There's a pause before the scary man, Yesung, turns to Minho and Jisung. 'You two have something special, never lose that. Promise me that.' Minho turns to Jisung who seems lost in thought, taking in every inch of Jisung's glowing features before turning back to the two men (staring affectionately at each other).

'I promise you.'

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