Snowflakes (pt. 1)

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Jisung's been having a blast with this 'you gotta wait for my kisses' business he's pulled out of his ass. It's been two days and Minho's going through withdrawals, picking at his lips relentlessly as he tries to remember the feeling of Jisung pressed against him with his hands in his hair and-

Minho stops and groans. Thinking about Jisung isn't helping his 'no touching the merchandise until you're confirmed to debut' dilemma and it's honestly killing him slowly. He tries to calm his flushed cheeks so he heads towards the window. He sees flurries of the first snow beginning to fall outside and smiles fondly.

The serenity is shattered when Jisung runs through the room loudly shrieking about how it's snowing and how Minho just has to come outside and look. And of course, Minho's not capable of saying no to Jisung so he puts on a jacket, running after a hyper Jisung as he crashes and stumbles through the house and to the front door laughing cutely.

'Put a goddamn coat on Jisung.' 'fine, fine. You better wait for me because I swear if I figure out you went outside-' 'a coat, Sungie. Put on a coat and stop procrastinating.' 'fine.'


Jisung took forever trying to find a jacket, or what he said he was doing anyway, but when he finally comes back with a jacket on and Changlix in tow Minho rolls his eyes and shoves Jisung playfully before linking their hands together. He lightly pulls (drags) Jisung through the door, but as soon as they reach the end of the hallway Jisung's pulling him down the stairs because they're 'wasting precious time'.

Walking out the front of the building was like being smacked in the face with a wet rag because the cold was unbearable, but Minho had to suck it up because Jisung was looking at him with that stupid gummy smile with cheeks tinted by the winds and flurries so he takes a deep breath and smiles at Jisung, pushing a strand of hair out of the way when it happens.

God, Minho's not sure how many times Jisung's taken his breath away because he's lost count but here Jisung comes again stealing the oxygen he was keeping for himself. How does he do it, by kissing Minho in the most unexpected way possible that's how. He doesn't know how it happened or why, but God he's glad it did.

They were standing near the entrance, not even two feet away from the front door, when Minho looked up at the smoky sky that was releasing small flurries (they fluttered slowly, cautiously and Minho giggles quietly because the snowflakes remind him of himself and his situation with Jisung). When he turns to look at Jisung his breath is caught in his throat because Jisung's two inches away from him, his skin being illuminated by the orange glow of the streetlight nearby.

Jisung gasps, he audibly gasps and Minho holds his breath waiting for something to happen; for someone to ruin the kiss atmosphere that he feels. Neither Changbin nor Felix made a sound and for once Minho was hoping someone would ruin this atmosphere because it was too much to handle. Jisung steps closer and Minho follows his every move, watching as Jisung's hand shakily pulls him closer.

Minho feels Jisung's hand cupping his face before he sees Jisung step closer, breaking the small gap they had between them. Minho's suffering inside, trying to wheeze out a breath but with Jisung's closeness looming in he can't help but hold his breath. It's unrelenting. Jisung doesn't ask this time and it throws Minho off, but then again everything about this interaction is hesitant; like the intention is more intimate than Jisung lets on with his usual soft self.

Jisung leans in, his eyes fluttering shut as he gently pulls Minho closer. Slowly, closer. Jisung pauses when he's close enough for his breath to reach Minho's lips, and Minho worries why, but it's like the doubt subsides from Jisung's face as quickly as it appears and he finally captures Minho's lips in a gentle kiss.

This is different to Minho, nothing like Jisungs feverish kisses, his hands clenched in Minho's hair or like his sloppy kisses that litter Minho's cheeks. This is mind blowing, it's earth shattering. Minho pulls Jisung closer by the waist, following his movements (frightened that if he moves too fast he'll scare Jisung away). Jisung's hands wrap around Minho's neck and he's left shuddering because they're not in his hair and this is too intimate for 'just friends'.

He feels Jisung pull him closer, the kiss still gentle and slow (and Minho can't deny that he's terrified because Jisung's never this quiet or still and it's honest to god the scariest thing he's witnessed). Jisung begins to pull away, sighing contently as he moves far enough out of Minho's reach so he can breathe, but before Minho gets the chance to open his eyes he feels Jisung's hands sneak themselves in his hair and Jisung's pulling him back in.

The kiss is slow and gentle, it's intoxicating and he can't get enough of it. Minho pulls Jisung closer and he feels Jisung melt into him and sigh again, nudging his head upwards and then suddenly the kiss that's already mind-blowing becomes ten times better and Minho's hands are cupping Jisung's face to keep it in the exact place it is so he can hang onto this feeling for as long as possible. Jisung seems to feel the same way because his hands are clutching Minho's biceps now, holding onto whatever's left.

But Jisung finally pulls away to breathe, heavy puffs of breath leaving his lips quickly. 'Hey, um, I know I was supposed to wait to see if we got to debut together to kiss you but-' Jisung pauses and Minho freaks out but then Jisung says his next statement and Minho doesn't believe his words so he does a double take. When Jisung repeats himself Minho bites his lip to try (and fail) at hiding his smile.

He finalizes his words with one last kiss, pulling Minho closer and gently connecting their lips. Minho's mind is reeling, he doesn't know if this is a dream because he thought he knew everything about Jisung, but maybe he was wrong on the biggest part of Jisung he thought he knew best. Because maybe Jisung doesn't think of him as only a brother. Maybe there's more to Han Jisung than Minho's known, but maybe it's not such a bad thing.

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