The Sun

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Minho immediately misses the moment he'd shared with Jisung and he's been sulking for the past three weeks. He's currently practicing in what he has deemed the sacred room, the clock ticking just past 4:30 in the morning. The sweat drips down the side of his face as he practices his dance, wincing when the beat and his feet betray each other.

He knows he should quit, but he's lacking so much; he needs to keep going. He fights the urge to stop by thinking about Jisung, about how much talent he has. He huffs and continues to practice, forcing his body to speed up and follow the beat properly. He hates himself for it, for wanting to quit, because quitting on something as minimalistic as dancing meant quitting on the chance to see Jisung. He can't let this chance slip through his fingers.

He can't let Jisung slip through his fingers.


Minho's suffering, pained grimace shining brighter than (the sun) the lights in the practice room and body stiffly trying to keep up. He's been at it for hours, not knowing the last time he checked the clock for the time, but he couldn't afford to. He can't give up his practices, he needs to better himself for Jisung. He checks the clock; it reads 2:45 in the morning. He sighs and goes back to practicing, wanting to better himself.

His phone rings; the obnoxious, factory defaulted Iphone ringtone sounds and he cringes. He tries to ignore it, but by the end of the second ring he's pulling his phone out of his pocket to check who he has to decline when he sees it.

Jisung's calling him at 2:47 in the goddamn morning and he doesn't hesitate to answer, breathing out a hello before he even has time to turn off the music. 'What's wrong Jisungie?' 'hyung..' Minho's grabbing his bag and darting out of the room. 'Hyung, he made Felix leave.' 'Jyp?' 'yes, he said that his Korean wasn't good enough. He was eliminated. I don't know how changbin hyung is, they're all with him' 'where are you?'

He hears the hesitation in Jisung's voice, 'sungie where are you?' 'check on changbin hyung.' 'Jisung, for fuck's sake. Where are you?' 'your old room.' 'i'm on my way.' he wastes no time, picking up the pace as he sprints to the dorms. He doesn't hesitate when smashing the elevator button and rushing to the fifth floor, sprinting to the end of the hall when the elevator door finally opens.

He yanks the dorm door open, walking past the kitchen, past changbin's room where he saw five people huddled together and passed an open mouthed Chan staring at him as if he'd grown a third eye. He doesn't care that Chan's following him, questions on the tip of his tongue; all he cares about is Jisung. He gently opens the door and finds Jisung on his bed, cuddling with Minho's pillow.

He immediately drops his bag by the door and kicks his shoes off (oh, shit. I forgot to take them off at the door) before slowly making his way to Jisung. He sits on the edge of the bed and pulls Jisung into his arms, cradling him and placing soft kisses to the top of his head. He sees Chan from the corner of his eyes and he looks up, silently glaring any words the older male had to say out of his system. Chan puts his hands up in defense and pulls Woojin into their room before closing the door as silently as possible.

Jisung's eyes flutter open and widen. 'Hyung, you should check on Changbin hyung. He's really down in the dumps.' 'Jisung, he literally has every other member in the room with him, he'll be fine without me.' 'but hyung-' 'shut up, Sungie. Felix is your best friend, you're allowed to feel upset okay? Your feelings don't suddenly become invalid just because Changbin lost his love interest.'

Jisung hesitates again, mouth opening and closing like he wants to say something but can't form the words. 'Hyung, it's 3 in the morning, did I wake you up?' 'no, I was practicing.' 'oh, okay...but you really should-' 'Jisung, stop. Just let me be here for you.' 'but I don't deserve it. It's my fault Felix is gone. I could've helped him more.'

Minho's speechless, wondering why Jisung's blaming himself for something so tragic as Felix's elimination; he wonders if Jisung felt that way about his as well. 'Hey, Sungie, it's not your fault. It will never be your fault. Jyp was a douche bag for eliminating Felix, okay?' 'but-' 'no, it's not your fault. Jyp let talent go when he eliminated Felix and he pissed off nine teenage boys who he wants to make him money. He'll pay for what he did.'

Jisung smiles weakly, tears glossing his eyes as he hugs Minho and silently thanks him. Minho just pulls him closer and places another kiss to the top of his head, combing his fingers through Jisung's soft locks. He tucks Jisung in, getting up to leave when Jisung pulls him by the wrist, 'stay'.

He doesn't argue, quickly scooting under the blanket and wrapping his arms around Jisung's waist (pulling said boy closer). Jisung immediately melts into Minho's embrace and quickly falls asleep.


Minho wakes up with a mouthful of hair and a crick in his neck, but it's Jisung he wakes up with, limbs tangled and his head resting on Minho's chest so he can't be mad that he's eating hair. He moves the stray strands of hair out of Jisung's face and places a lingering kiss to the tip of his nose, the boy stirring in his sleep.

Jisung pops an eye open and looks around, stretching his arms. Minho's breath is gone as soon as Jisung looks up at him, biting his lip to contain his smile. 'Good morning hyung.' Minho moves another stray strand of hair out of Jisung's face. Good morning beautiful .

'What?' 'what's wrong, sungie?' 'you think I'm beautiful?' 'what do you mean?' Minho's panicking, he doesn't know how Jisung would know that. Had he overheard the conversations with Chan? Had he been too obvious? Had he- 'you literally just said, and I'm quoting you, good morning beautiful.'


'Well, yes.' 'yes, what?' 'you're beautiful.' 'that's so soft, what the heck!' Jisung playfully hits his chest, Minho feeling Jisung's hands wind themselves into his hair. Jisung leans into Minho's side and kisses him, lingering for a second too long to be considered friendly (but Minho's oblivious and self-deprecating so of course he doesn't think much of it) before pulling away and snuggling up to Minho again.

Minho's eyes flutter open just in time to see Jisung's smile outshining the sun.

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