The Next Day

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Bella Pov:

I woke up, put on my outfit for the day and left my suite with Saphira for the throne room

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I woke up, put on my outfit for the day and left my suite with Saphira for the throne room.

I entered the throne room. It was completely empty, and I went directly for my throne, Saphira laying on my left side, keeping guard over me, when mother came over to me.

"You know, he does care for you, my little blood orange. And I thought you didn't like being a princess. That you were all for women in power."

"I know, he cares, mother. I just don't. It's that easy. And what says 'women in power' than a woman with a crown, especially a princess, soon to-be queen of the vampire race. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm hungry. Saph, stay." I said dryly, getting up and left the room and ran out of town, in hope to find someone juicy to eat.

I went back to yesterday's haunt and saw a new car with a new couple, stopping by the ashes from the day before.

The man told the woman to stay near the car, while he checked out the scenery.

I quickly went behind the woman and held a hand over her mouth, while I drained her dry.
After 5 seconds of drinking from her, and with blood dripping down from the corner of my mouth, I dropped her dead body on the road, gaining the mans attention.

He turned around, frightened, running towards his dead girlfriend.
"Anna!" He yelled, hugging her dead body.

"Why?!?" He yelled, looking up at me.
"You should be happy, normally I like to make them suffer, but, luckily for the both of you, I don't care, so I'm just gonna kill you and be on my way." I said, hoisting him up, and placed my mouth on his neck and started drinking from him, as he cried and screamed, trying to get away from me but failed big time.

2 cars pulled up with the Cullens and the Whitlocks stepping out from the cars, watching me draining the guy.

Soon, he was drained and I dropped his body on the road next to his girlfriend.

"Bella, you need to snap out off it and stop being such a bitch. Turn you emotions back on." Esme said.

I turned my icy glare to her, making her cower behind her mate.

"I would love to, but the 2 best thing about having no emotions is that I can think rationally and I really don't care about what you think or feel about me. I just... don't care. Keep trying and there will be consequences."

Jasper walked towards me, hugging me close. I froze in spot, pissed that he was hugging me.

"Please, Bella. Turn on your emotions. I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back. I want to fix you." He slowly let go off me, only keeping his hands on my over arms.

"Please, let us fix you." Carlisle said as another car with a single woman in it, who got out of the car.

"Oh my god, is everything alright?" She was dressed in a waitress uniform, coming towards us, nearing the Cullens and the Whitlocks.

"Everything's fine." I said, before I ran behind her, and snapped her spine, letting her body falling to the ground as I stood neutrally next to her body.

"Woa." Peter said, stunned at my actions.

"Like I said, conséquences. That's one body your responsible for. And if you keep trying to fix me, there'll be a second, 20th and a 100th. It's your choice." I said dryly, walking back home, smirking, leaving them to deal with the little mess I made.

Jasper Pov:

"Major, can I say just one thing?" Peter asked carefully.

"What, Captain?"

"Don't try to fix her. Let her return her emotions in her own time."

"I'll never stop trying to be with her. But she is right. All of this is my fault. And I will bring her back. Because even if she doesn't like it or care for it, I love her and I will fight for her." I said, looking in the direction she left in.

She is a force to be recon with.

Denying(trying to)Jasper Whitlock(Bella and Jasper fan fiction)(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now