Dear Wolf

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Dear Wolf
Your breathing is heavy, and Fierce as I felt your damp, rough nuzzle caress my cheek slightly, with such love, worry. I found it fascinating for a wolf to have such love for a little white rabbit such as myself...but can I trust the ashy grey wolf who wonders the Forrest at night, left his pk for his own personal reasons.

You see others told me never trust the wolf who wonders the forest alone...
for everyone has there secrets

But can I trust this one wolf ?
u seem dark, daring but within your heart u seem so loving, caring.
Your eyes are hollow yet tell a story of loss, sorrow.
U stand alone among the crowded trees, and howl at night for the one u lost.

Maybe your not all I thought u were...
Maybe those stories of ghosts, Demons were a merely fairytale. For my heart still beats rapidly within my small chest and my eyes still full of light. Maybe your different..maybe...your

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