Dear Wolf

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Dear Wolf

your fur is pitch black like ash from a tab tray, your eyes are a empty hollow. your teeth are sharp as knifes stained with crimson blood and your paws underneath are cracked and scratched your nuzzle is damp and rough, blunt claws scrape the cave u sleep in.

I'm afraid of what u will do your unpredictable, cunning u seem to always have a plan and I'm afraid of what I will become. I run far from your grasp leaping in fear and turning those swift corners but u never seem to give in. I can hear your sharp breathe and tapping claws as your movement gets closer each and every step. I don't understand why u run and chase me I know your a wolf but why ..why me u never choose the rabbit who passes by it seems your possessive. my friends warned me of a wolf of ash and shadows but I never seemed to listen until that darkness faced me. and now its to late for I am your target and prey. the tears in my eyes fill up as I beg for mercy, for gods saving but nobody listens for I am alone just like the wolf who has no pack. its strange for a wolf to be so alone, but also a mystery to my thoughts. he sniffs me out no matter how hard I try to hide he always finds me like a mother finding her pups its like he's attached. the blood on his lips are far beyond dry and his fur is ruffled and claws blunt.

my legs are weak and aching I don't know how much longer I can truly run until I give into his darkness the fear of death makes me shiver. I ask myself what is death like is it a beautiful place or a lonely one I guess I will soon find out for my breathing is fast and my hearts beats rapidly and soon my breathing turns into pants as I tire out, the wolf is catching up!

I glanced up at the stars before I knew it he was breathing heavy behind me...

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