Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

"Those, my friend, are the best kind," He smiled. "Reach under my bed and grab a bottle."

I had given up on asking why he had everything under his bed, and instead crouched down to find one.

I felt around with my hand for something glass, but all I found was a crumbled up piece of paper.

It gave me a weird feeling, so I pulled it out and looked at the ball.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Wait, don't look at-"

But I had already unfolded the paper, and went still.

Drawn impeccably on the white sheet, was a sketch of me.

I looked down at the sharp planes of my nose and smooth, round cheekbones on my face. My eyes seemed to have a sparkle in them, because the picture was of my face mid laugh.

My eyes were crinkled slightly, and he had captured the fact that I only had one dimple and it was on my left cheek.

I traced over my full lips with a finger and smiled when I noticed that he had added a tiny freckle on the side of my nose that most people didn't notice.

How long did he spend looking at me?

Carson cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Um, that's not you. That's... Camille?"

I snorted, continuing to run my fingers across the intricately woven lines. "That wasn't even somewhat believable."

He sighed dramatically, and snatched the picture back out of my hands. "Fine, it's you. But it was nothing- just a doodle. I was bored."

I nearly scoffed. The amount of detail in my features could have taken hours.

"When did you draw this?" I finally asked.

He scratched the back of his neck. "A week ago, maybe. It's not very good though."

I smiled slightly to myself. "I thought you hated drawing people."

"I hate drawing most people. There are a few exceptions."

For some reason, this made my cheeks warm up.

"Can I keep it?" I asked, smiling.

"Absolutely not," He said, crumpling it back up and throwing back under the bed.

I scowled, and he laughed at my face.

Rolling my eyes, I went to get up, "I should probably get back now. Jacob will keep my up all night, so I may as well get a head start."

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," He grinned, gesturing to his bed. "The offer is always open."

I laughed at that, "You know, I'd hate to crowd that thing up."

That's when Carson reached out and grabbed my wrist. I looked into his beautiful emerald eyes as he said, in all seriousness, "I'm not joking, you can sleep here tonight. Drunk Jacob is not something anyone should have to deal with."

"No, it's al-"

"I'll take the floor," He announced, ignoring my protests and grabbing a pillow off the bed.

"... thanks," I said, not really having much of a choice anymore.

Trying to be not my clumsy self, I climbed back on top of the bed as he went to turn off the light.

Man, this was going to be weird.

"Night, Carson," I said, then winced. I sounded like a child.

"Night, Hayley," He replied.

I snuggled under the covers, trying to discreetly smell them.

They also smelled like clean soap and his strawberry shampoo.

I closed my eyes, and let my mind go blank.

But I couldn't sleep.

Instead, I let my breathing become even.

Carson didn't make any noise, so I assumed he was still next to me.

It was an odd thing, the comfort and security I felt in his bed. That the very thing that began all my worries would be the thing that also comforted them.

There must be something seriously wrong with me.

Suddenly, there was a slight shifting sound.

Carson must have thought I was asleep, because after a small pause, I felt soft fingers brush a piece of hair out of my face.

For a moment, I struggled really hard to keep my breathing even and not hyperventilate, as he drew back a little.

Whispering softly, he said, "Damn it."

Then, so quietly I almost didn't catch it, he breathed out some words that at first made no sense to me. But, as he drew back to his bed and I began to drift off to sleep, I was able to fully comprehend them.

"I think I've fallen in love with you."

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