Chapter 25- New Avengers.

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A/N: lunathewerewolfqueen's and Louise_Parsons OC has now arrived!

I was awoken up from a deep sleep by my phone ringing for the first time in the six months me and Loki were in our utopian land.

To be honest, I didnt know it was there. Loki was already up and out of bed so I was left alone to groan on the noise.

I looked at my phone screen, a selfie of me and Phoenix when I was Rikki showed on my lock screen. I missed her, i admit that.

Then, the phone rang again.

Oh crap.

It was Fury. I quickly sat up and swiped the screen on my phone.

"Hello, Lorelei. Is that you?" The voice of the director said.

"Yes, it is. Dont bother finding me, its impossible." I giggled evilly, but still cracky.

"We dont want to find you, but we have some new Avengers and we order you to come and meet her at this minute. Bring Loki if he pleases." He sternly grumbled.

"Fine. Be there soon." I declined the call. I called Loki and he ran to and instant. I told him what was happening. He removed the illusion of our palace and we were in the Avengers compound.

Everyone got startled and I giggled at the fear. Loki sighed and sat himself down, me beside him.

We said our 'hi's' and 'how are yous?' and more questions. Blah, blah, blah. Mushy stuff.

When we finished, as if on cue, Fury walked in with the new recruits. Hopefully the guys wouldnt do the same thing as me to them.

Phoenix was leaning on the same wall as she was to me. All the rest of them were in the same postition.

It seemed like deja vu but with other people. Two of them. Natasha asked them to introduce themselves.

One was Mira Von, A 20 year old that can control the element of earth. She has brown hair that went blonde as it went down and chocolate brown eyes.

The other was Luna. She was a werewolf. That was all we heard from her. All we know was that she was eyeing up Vision the whole time.

The boys went back to there business, Loki went to talk with Thor and there was me, Phoenix, Mira and Luna left. Not to forget Nat and Fury already left the room.

"And here a new group has formed." Luna said. Mira nodded in agreement. Phoenix gave me a side glare.

"Oh what the heck im in. New friends." She said. They all turned to me. I didnt know what it was like to be a group. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

Did they forget what ive done to them? Or have they forgiven me?

Mermaid Turned Villain|| A Marvel OC Story. [COMPLETE]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें