Chapter 3- Bully.

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Present day...

Now I have been a mermaid for 2 years and I still havent told anyone. That is because I dont trust anyone.

It is a divine day today so no rain, hopefully. I was walking down the college corridor when I saw the school bully hold up an innocent boy to his locker.

My eyebrows arched when I saw the young boy squirm to get out of his grip. I tried thinking of the bully's name. Oh right, his name was Archie, doesnt sound like a bully's name does it? He uses this as an advantage for when teachers confront him.

"Archie! Let the boy go!" I blurted unexpectedly. I instantly put my hand to my mouth. He hesitated, then glared over at me, terrifying hazel eyes burning with rage.

"Why should I, weakling? Do you like this guy?" He growled mockingly.

"I said, let him go, not asking for questions." I fought through bared teeth.

"Fine." He breathed as he dropped the boy violently on the ground. I watched the poor boy crawl away quickly. Archie put his arms up in surrender.

At that moment, I felt his tall presence over me, making me feel small. A crowd started to form also, which didnt really help the situation.

I looked down. "Looks like the weakling has got stronger." He grinned over me.

"Archie, your making a terrible mistake." I said, barely audible.

"What, did you lose your voice all of a sudden?" He laughed evilly.

"I SAID YOUR MAKING A TERRIBLE MISTAKE!" I yelled in his face. The crowd gasped. The fire in Archie's eyes grew larger as he pushed me by my shoulders.

I landed on the ground, I felt something wet trickle down my cheek. Oh Lord, Archie pushed me into a puddle.

He cackled like a mad wizard over his potion as I leaped up and sped towards the river next to the college and dived in.

"Coward." Archie puffed.
"Jerk." I thought.

At least nobody saw my tail. That was the only thing I was okay with...

Mermaid Turned Villain|| A Marvel OC Story. [COMPLETE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang