Frozen Powers - Chapter 17

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A/N Hi Thanks so much!

I have decided to make a sequel!!!!

I am ever so excited BTW this story has 25 chapters!

Chapter 17

I found my self lying in my bed at the castle

Elsa and Anna were still at the ice palace. 

The thought about me being Safiah...

That was insane. 

Although, it might have been true. 

I did see a picture of Safiah's mum and Anna said that she looked a lot like me. 

I was drawing circles on my pillow with my finger and then I sat up. 

I took my blanket and put it up to my chin and then nodded to myself. 

It was best if I had left Arendelle. 

Then Anna and Elsa would have forgotten all about me. 

So I packed my things and opened my room door slowly. 

There was no one there, so I quickly came out. 

Then I ran downstairs and exited the castle gates. 

I had luckily made it without anyone noticing me. 

I had a problem though. 

If I went forward, then I would be noticed by all the villagers. 

So, I circled the castle and then went at the back to the port.

There was a man standing there, so I asked him to take me home. 

I ran to the boat but tripped over a big rock covered in green moss. 

I glared at it - it stopped me from escaping!

The boat had suddenly gone away!

I tried to pick up the rock and throw it but it was to heavy. 

I looked down at it - it started to shake. 

I backed away on the grass. 

Luckily I was the only one here. 

The rock turned out to be a troll.

Like the ones Anna told me about! 

It was the elderly troll I think. I could tell by it's clothes

"Please, do not leave!" it choked

"Why shouldn't I? Things are so complicating here! Elsa and Anna think I am Safiah and I know I am not" I explained waving my hands here and there. 

"Then I will show you.." he said. 

The troll touched my hand and I opened my eyes wide. 

I could see something in my head and then I heard the elderly troll's voice. 

"Your parents were walking in the forest with you in your mother's hands." he started

"Come on Safiah!" I heard a man call. 

Then I saw me, from when I was a baby in my mum's hands.

It really was me. I have a similar picture at home, I was the same age. 

So I am Safiah?

"Then an emergency occurred and your mother left you by accident", the troll spoke again, 

" The wind was howling and the bush was rustling. She put you down and then by accident she forgot you. She was in a rush but then she came back and you weren't there."

" But then how was I found at the doorstep of my mother's house?" I asked sharply. 

" The bush rustling was a man coming out of it. The man was familiar with your mother as he worked for her before. A your mother was not going to marry, he picked you up and put you in good hands." he replied. 

Tears formed again. This was all shocking news. He waved one of his hands and showed me the whole scene he said as proof. 

So it was true...

The troll then let go of my hand and disappeared. 

I ran back to the palace. 

I was in bed with my blanket right up to my chin. 

I gripped it firmly, every scene of what happened in the ice palace.. and the elderly troll...

Was now in my head and would not get out...

A/N I hoped u liked this chapter.

it reveals amazing secret.

if u have any questions about this story then please leave it on comments and I will try and answer them as quickly as possible



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