Frozen Powers - Chapter 7

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A/N Hi guys! Sorry for the " No update for so long". 

I just wanted more comments and votes. 

Please tell your friends about this story, because I tell my friends a lot about yours!

Well here is Chapter 7: 

Chapter 7

 I looked around at the beautiful palace! I saw pictures of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna!

Pictures of them when they were kids too!

To my left hidden behind the grand staircase, I saw a picture of a man with orange hair and a lady with brown hair

They both resembled Anna and Elsa.

Who were they?

Right when I was focusing my mind on the picture, I heard a voice

"Welcome!" a lady shouted

I looked up at the grand staircase to see two beautiful girls at the top of the staircase making their way down. 

One of them had a beautiful pearl white hair which matched her crystal blue eyes.

She had beautiful sparkly purple eye shadow on with dark lips.

Her dress was a light blue with a long see through cape with snowflakes on.

She also had blue sleeves that came up to her wrist.

On the left side of her stood a girl that had soft brown hair with a white stripe going down the side. 

She was wearing a sparkly light green gown that had see through material on the sides of her dress

her shoes were a dark green with small light green flowers on them. 

She also had green sleeves that came up to her wrist. 

They were both so pretty!

"Thank You! I am Liana. nice to meet you!" I replied.

" I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Nice to meet you!" So that's the Queen..She's pretty!

I saw the other girl speak

" Hello, I am Princess Anna! Nice to meet you too!" she spoke, really cheerfully

"Your majesties" I said bowing down to them 

"Please, don't call me that, it's fine! Just call me Elsa - I am your friend!" Elsa said to me

" Same here!" Anna then replied

"Thank You!" I was so happy! They called me their friend!

" You look all stuffed up with all that, Follow us and we will tell you where your room is. " Elsa said. 

I walked up the grand staircase, taking every step carefully. I could see my own reflection on the steps.

When we reached the top, we walked past hundreds of rooms - until we got to my room!

"This is your room. If you need anything, you know that we are next door. " Anna said to me. 

" Thanks! I am gonna unpack now!"

I waved at them and watched them enter their room. Then, I walked into mine

This room was massive!

There were loads of paintings, my bed was made and I had my very own en suite!

I walked further down to the bed. The bed was already made and it was blue!

 I walked further down to the closet

I opened my humongous closet and put all my clothes in there.

There was a huge mirror next to it.

I carefully studied myself - now that I think about it, I never really payed attention to what I actually looked like!

I had soft brown hair that had wavy curls and brown highlights. 

I had dark brown eyes and flawless skin.

Then I went up to my bed and sat on it 

What do I do now?

After a while there was a knock on the door. I heard a male's voice say something but I could not quite catch it as it was muffled. 

Who was it?

A/N Hi again! I hoped you enjoyed that chapter! Who do YOU think it is? Clsoest one will get a call out. 

From the last question in Chapter 5 I would like to congratulate FrozenElsa1 for the most closest answer! 

Well done to her!

Thanks a lot 

Please comment and vote and tell your friends!

BTW the more the new people I get, the more faster I will update - and when I say fast, I mean fast. So PM your friends NOW!

Thanks xxx 

Arianna :)

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