Frozen Powers - Chapter 15

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A/N Hiya! Thanks for the votes! Please tell your friends - here is Chapter 15

Chapter 15

I woke up earlier than usual today. 

I couldn't believe it - it was all ready my birthday!

As time went by I heard distance knocking. 

I walked up to the door to see Olaf standing there. 

" Olaf,what are you doing here so early?" I asked.

" Nothing really, I was bored! I know what we can do, do you want to go to the castle Elsa built?" He asked me with puppy eyes. 

" Well if you insist so, but lets wake Elsa and Anna up and take them with us" I suggested. 

" No! I want you and me to go only!" he replied sharply. 

" OK, then but don't you think we should at least tell them?" I asked. 

" Nope!" he replied back. 

I shut up after that. 

We were on such a long journey. I was jumping with excitement.

" We're here! " he said,  practically screamed in my ears. 

The castle was huge and it was obviously made of ice. The sun reflected on it and made the castle glow in dark blue and purple lights. 

It should've taken a long time to make as it was made of ice. But how was it made like this?

I swear, it could've taken at least 10 years to make this!

So how would have Elsa made it?

Did she make this ALL by herself?

"Yeah she did. And it literally took her just a minute to make it " Rapunzel replied.

How did she get here?

Wait- did she just read my mind? Ugh! This is so confusing. 

I feel like I've been framed. 

How did she know I was here?

" Well let me try and answer them in order. I got here on Sven, I did read your mind, I know this is so confusing, even I was confused when Els- Nothing! And you might be framed and I am not going to answer the last one. " she replied really fast. 

" Wait what?" I asked still confused.

" You know what, just follow me..." she said pulling me towards the castle. 

" Now this ice," I said taking every step carefully up the stairs. 

When we got to the top Rapunzel knocked on the door three times. 

The door suddenly swung open revealing the glorious sight. 

" Wow! This place is amazing. Truly!" I screamed running around. 

" This just must be the best birthday I have ever celebrated!" I said screaming, my arms spread out. 

Did I just say that out loud?


" Follow me!" Rapunzel said leading me up the stairs

    Didn't she hear me? That was pretty loud!

I followed her up the stairs. 

In front of me was Elsa and Anna!

" Happy Birthday!" 

" Thank you!" I exclaimed

Everything that was normally in a park was there. Only it was made out of ice. 

I was very impressed!

We all had fun playing. 

This is why Elsa was known as the snow queen! She has magical powers!

And so does Rapunzel!

I could not believe it at all!

This was definitely the best birthday I have had!

I had so much fun. I don't know why but I felt as if I was related to them - but the world knew I wasn't!

Soon It was really late at night. 

We all decided to spend the night sleeping in this castle. 


I need to know if u want a sequel so please tell me

A/N Hiya again! What did you think of the chapter? Did you like the surprise? What do you think is going to happen next? Please vote and comment!



Shafia xxx

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