Frozen Powers - Chapter 1

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A/N Hi, This is chapter one of Frozen powers. Please read on it wills oon get interesting and fun! It may be boring at first but it will get better soon!

Chapter 1

Liana's POV

I was up on my bed, staring at the ceiling. When I heard a 'ding' and remembered - my toast was done! I went up to the toaster and collected the last two.

I took a plastic tray, and layed 2 toasts on it and went into my mother's room. I saw my sister and my mum sleeping on the comfy bed. They were still asleep, so I put the tray on their bedside table and went back to

my room. I sat there, looking through the window. I thought about how I got here. Where were my real parents? Are they even alive?

That thought kept going through my head. My mother had always told me, that I was found on the doorstep of her house. Days past by, and no one came to collect me.

I was left on her doorstep all alone. It has been been years since this incident had happened but still no sign. A drop of tear came down my face and dropped of my chin.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I quickly wiped my tear of and answered back " Come in ", to find out that it was Hadley - my younger sister.

" Liana! Liana! " she exclaimed as she walked in. " Why are you staring at the window? " she carried on.

" I was just.." She cut me off there and asked

 " Were you thinking about your real parents? "

I smiled at her with care. She came closer to me and sat on the edge of my bed. She touched my shoulder and looked through the window with me.

" Out there is a massive world still to be discovered by us. I know that one day we will discover it." I told her. Hadley smiled.

We jumped out of our emotional world, back to real life, when mum opened the door.

" Sweetie why don't you come downstairs for another cup of tea. Hadley didn't you tell Liana to come downstairs for tea like I told you to? " Mum said

" I was but then I saw Liana was staring " I cut her off there and replied " Oh, it doesn't matter, now that you have told me lets go downstairs for a cup of tea."

I had to say that because I did not want mum being upset and I didn't want to waste time, I had to leave the house to see Natasha - My best friend that I trust.

We went downstairs and had a cup of tea. After a long series of silence, I couldn't help but to break it. Therefore I did.

I stuttered my mum's name and saw her stare into my eyes expecting me to say something. I froze - how should I tell her this?

"Mum, c-can I go to the park with my friends.I'll be safe I promise!"

"Sure dear! Just make sure that you stay safe!"

I stared at her - did she really say that I could go? I squealed and gave my mum a hug and as soon as she looked back down at her newspaper I ran upstairs to get ready.

I came downstairs in a blue sweater and some black jeans. Mum had gona to work, so Hadley and I left the house.

We were so happy - we talked and talked the whole way!

A/N Hi again! If you are reading this right now then you have probably read chapter 1. Thanks a lot for reading, As I said it will get better with most of the Frozen characters and so on. 

If you want me to publish the next chapter then I will need from you: 

At least 3 nice comments 

and at least 5 votes 

If I get this 

Then the next chapter will be revealed.

Just letting you know the actual adventure will start in the next chapter so stay awake!

( 3 nice comments and 5 votes! )

Thanks xxx

Arianna :)

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