Frozen Powers - Chapter 14

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A/N Hi! Thanks a lot for all the reads. I hope you are liking it so far. Sorry if your not but please times 100 tell all your friends! Here is Chapter 14 for you. 

Chapter 14

My phone vibrated. I was already up in the early morning. 

I had nothing to do as it was so early - 5am. 

I checked the message and it read:

Hi Liana! 

I know you've only been away for a few days but I really wanted to visit and luckily Queen Elsa let me!

I will be there shortly.

Mum is not here as she still has work. 

Unfortunately I will leave tonight as I have school straight after.

And I think i might need a room as I am staying for about 2 days!

Hope to see you soon! Bye!


Hadley is coming? This was such exciting news! I needed to get a room for her now!

Without any hesitation, I released the door and ran next door. 

I knocked repeatedly until I heard footsteps coming towards me. 

The door opened and I saw Elsa staring at me. 

" Your up early!" she said. 

" Yeah, Hadley my younger sister is coming today. So can I take her to a room in the castle where we all can have fun." I asked. 

" Sure, In fact I have already prepared that. It is a room no-one has ever seen before. Not even Anna. I have put all of Hadley's favourite thing there!" She acknowledged. 

" Thank you! I really don't know what to say!" I said. 

 " Was that my name in your conversation" Anna asked coming out if no-where. 

" Yes, it's about what I told you yesterday!" Elsa replied for me. 

    Elsa suddenley looked behind me. 

I turned around and saw Hazel standing there. 

" Miss, you have visitors. " she said. 

From behind here I saw Hadley come running! She looked so cute!

She had short hair that came just under her shoulders. It was blonde and had a few brown 

streaks near the roots of her hair. She had crystal blue eyes and a smile like an angel . Hadley wore a yellow sundress with white frills

at the end of the dress and short sleeves and wore yellow and pink sandals that matched her dress!

Hadley gave me a huge hug I could barely breathe. 

" Liana!" she screamed

" Hadley! How are you?" I asked. 

" I am fine, what about you?" she asked me. 

" I am fine. Anna and Elsa are really nice! "

" Elsa, can we go to the special room now?" Hadley asked. 

" Hadley! Where are your manners?" I yelled. 

" No, no, I told her to. " Elsa replied. 

" Sorry!" I apologized to Hadley. 

" It OK!" She screamed in my face. 

I watched Anna laughing with little smiles in between. Anna  was wearing a really long dress. At the back the dress came up to her feet.  But in the front it stopped at the knees.

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