Chapter Two. Platform 9¾.

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It was very busy on the platform of 9¾, Elizabeth stood outside of one of the trains doors, her dad helped her lift her trunk abroad.

"Make sure to write." Elizabeth told her parents as she turned back to face them.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to send you many howlers, telling you how proud I am of you." Her mum said with a smile.

Elizabeth laughed, but stopped when she saw her dad's face. You are joking, right?" Her eyes widened.

"'Course! They won't tell you how proud we are, we already tell you that very often. The howlers remind you that you have to floss after every bite of food." Her dad said seriously with a smile.

Elizabeth's mouth fell open, she stared at her parents.

"We're only joking!" Her dad finally said and Elizabeth let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding.

The five minute whistle blew, Elizabeth glanced at the red train, she had to get abroad and find a seat.

"Come here." Her dad said as she looked back at him.

She stepped forward and hugged him, she took a deep breath, she tried to pull away but her dad lingered a few more moments.

When they pulled away, her mum pulled her into a tight hug, nearly suffocating her.

"Can't- breath!" She gasped out, and her mum released her.

When Elizabeth looked up, her mum had tears in her eyes.

"Be good, alright? Try not to give any of your professors any trouble." Her mum said and Elizabeth nodded.

Her mum gave her one last hug before she stepped back, Elizabeth's dad pulled her to him, hugging her tightly.

"Don't study too hard, your mental health has to come first. And if anyone gives you any trouble, let me know and I'll beat the shit out of them." Her dad whispered and she smiled with a laugh.

The doors began to shut at the end of the train, kids bid farewell to their loved ones and broaded.

Elizabeth pulled away from her father, she noticed his green eyes were misty, she frowned.

"I should probably get on the train and find somewhere to sit." She said and her parents nodded.

"Love you." She said when her parents didn't say anything else and turned, the man closing the doors paused and helped her abroad, the door shut behind her.

She gripped the handle of her trunk, and began heaving it past the compartments, she passed many people running back and forth between compartments.

She looked in the windows of closed doors, she saw two older students alone, making out.

Rolling her eyes, she made sure her trunk banged against the closed compartment door, the two students jumped apart, Elizabeth continued her search for a compartment.

Finally she came upon one with only two people, a young boy and girl, she pulled the door open, her trunk resting against her hip, the two people inside stopped their conversation and looked at her.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could sit with you?" She asked the two.

The girl, who had brown hair pulled into a ponytail, smiled, "Sure!" She said and Elizabeth smiled.

The boy quickly stood as he saw Elizabeth struggling to pull her trunk in, he raised his brows at her in silent question.

"Please!" She smiled and stood back as he picked up the truck and put it onto one of the shelfs above the bench.

"Thank you." She said once the boy sat down, she sat across from the two.

"Don't mention it." He said with a pressed smile.

Elizabeth was able to look fully at the two, they had to be siblings.

The girl wore a dark blue jumper and ripped jeans, sneakers with hot pink laces covered her feet. Purple glasses sat upon her nose, covering her bright blue eyes.

The boy had brown hair as well, his was shaggy and rested on his shoulders, he bright blue eyes and freckles peppered his nose and cheeks.

"What's your name?" The girl questioned as she tilted her head.

Elizabeth looked out the window as the train began to leave the platform, her parents were already gone.

She looked at the two that sat across from her, "Elizabeth Smith, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said and extended her hand to the girl.

The girl smiled brightly and shook Elizabeth's hand. "My name is Philippa Wood, but everyone calls me Pippa, this is my twin brother, Henry Wood." She gestured to her brother who smiled at Elizabeth.

"What year are you guys?" Elizabeth asked as she looked between the two.

"We're going into our second year, I'm a Ravenclaw and Pippa here is a Hufflepuff." Henry said.

"I've heard great things about both of your houses, my mum was a Hufflepuff and my Dad was a Ravenclaw, they never stop talking about how great the dorms were. I, myself am a 4th year Slytherin, I'm not completely thrilled with our dorms, they're under the black lake, you know." Elizabeth said and the twins exchanged glances.

"What?" Elizabeth asked, but she knew that they were nervous, it wasn't the first time people reacted this way when learning which house she belonged to.

"Nothing." Henry quickly said.

"I hope this year will be better then last year, what with Cedric passing. It wasn't very fair, considering he was always so nice when I spoke with him." Elizabeth said changing the topic.

"You knew Cedric?" Pippa asked sitting up straight.

"Yeah, I got lost in the halls once back in first year, he helped me find my classroom. We didn't speak often, but when we did, it was always pleasant." Elizabeth said.

Silence followed after Pippa nodded, it was fairly quiet the rest of the train ride.

When they were almost to the castle, they quickly went and changed into their uniforms and prepared their things.

Elizabeth took a deep breath as the train stopped, she bid farewell to Pippa and Henry as they took their things and left to join the rest of the students.

Elizabeth hung back for a few heartbeats, the charter of her fellow students muffed as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

She couldn't freak out, she couldn't, not after the way people reacted last time.

She had to do what Madam Pomfrey taught her to do when she felt herself beginning to get overwhelmed.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and blinked, she took a deep breath, she exited the compartment and then the train.

Students banged into Elizabeth as she walked on the platform, she continued to take deep breaths.

Gripping her robes tightly, she shoved her way towards the gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid.

Once off the platform in Hogsmeade, she made her way towards the carriages that were pulled by themselves, she got into one, three other students got in after her, she ignored them as the carriage began to move.

Staring out the window, she swallowed and fidgeted with the fabric of her robes.

She hoped this year would be better than last.

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